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Your not my puppet master!

Lalena75's picture

SO asked my parents to help with pick up and drop offs of his kids at school because I'm not always available and he cannot afford latchkey plus his ds keeps getting kicked out of latchkey. I also expected BM to be a nutter regardless of who SO has do this. Sure enough SO got a tirade of texts about the time she would normally get the kids on her time from latchkey.
Her bitch "he can't get MY kids I don't know him!"
SO informed her it doesn't matter she doesn't decide who he has help around the kids on his time since he doesn't let people around the kids who are dangerous.
She blah blahed back about how it's her contract and she already informed latchkey and the school he is not to pick them up. SO again reminded her she doesn't get a say on his time, that he informed the school of who he allows on his time and what she does on hers is just that on her, the kids aren't going to latchkey so it has nothing to do with her latchkey contract on her time, he doesn't disallow her family and her bf from getting the kids on her time (meth addicts and domestic abusers, and more) she doesn't get to on his time.
Then she said she'd get the kids everyday and bring them to him (she doesn't get them till 5 so they'll already be gone and here before then) he told her have a good night (his way of ending the discussion.
Now he's going to the courthouse tomorrow to request a temporary custody order since mediation isn't till freaking March (which he's also calling to move up since that was just the date the court gave and they can move it)
I'll unfortunately be going with my dad to get them tomorrow in case of issues I'm not having it thrown all on my dad he dealt with custody crap once when I was a kid I can't be available in the am but I'll make it happen in the PM.


notagain2012's picture

Good question. and if BM can be there, why doesn't she pick the kids up? And then DH get them after he gets off work?

notagain2012's picture

What amazing dad you must have to even get involved in that mess. My mother would laugh and hang up on me if I asked her to pick up ss8, and under those circumstances, she prob wouldnt take my calls for a few days.

Lalena75's picture

My only intention is to protect my dad from her family she won't show her family might if she does then no I can't stop her and wouldnt even try. SO wants me to call him if there are problems. My only intention is to keep her and herit crazy criminal family from starting shit with my dad, he offered to help SO out but I'll take their abuse before I'll let my dad. Since tomorrow afternoon is the only day I can go with to get them and the most likely time her brother his gf or her would cause an issue SO wants it documented as he'll either be at work or court. I refuse to speak to BM just to avoid her crazy making or making things worse for SO.

Lalena75's picture

My dad would say it's because he's been in SO's shoes I've tried to warn him if he really thought my mom was a pian BM he has no understanding of the level ignorant crazy can get to. At least my mom is an educated person, then again I'm sure in my dad's field he's probably dealt with worse only he had the cops to deal with it. I doubt there will be a problem mostly BM is full if hot air especially after she calls her lawyer and finds out SO is right all those calls have to be costing her bf a pretty penny.