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What would you do - need advise here about SS 22

karenemoy's picture

Ok I have not seen SS22 in a year - back story is that he has major drug and mental health issues (which I believe could be controlled but not when on drugs). He claims to DH he is trying to get his life back together - but still cant hold a job (really lazy) and is going back to school. My SD 25 recently called my DH and said she saw SS22 and was pretty sure he was high.

Anyway my DH is having a big milestone birthday in a couple of weeks and DH invited SS22 to our home. I have no choice he wants him there, fine. I will do my best to ignore him.

However I am afraid SS22 will want to stay over which I just cannot handle. Should I have my DH tell him no now? Or do nothing and if SS22 asks where there say no.

There is no reason for him to stay he does not live that far from us.


karenemoy's picture

I know I am worried he will steal and then will lay around all the next day watching TV and we will not be able to get him to leave.

stired_crazy's picture

ok, this is a touchey one only because I have a BS who has a drug problem and he is A.D.H. and A.D.D plus E.M.I and unfortunately him doing drugs made him feel excepted and thats why he kept doing it..and it progressed, I also have a SS who has addiction problems and both the boys ended up on house arrest, got in trouble with stealing to get money for drugs, didnt want to earn a honest dollar, as for my son I put him in all kinds of drug rehab programs but nothing phased he is in prison at age 19 and honestly he has been in and out of the systume for the past 6 years, me constantly battling and non stop tears, but...he had to learn the hard way..his mess now he has to clean it up, same with SS..he is looking at tme for violation..prison time..also 19. My best advice to you is this, I lived on both sides dealing with this as SM and BM, I am sure BD knows his son better then anyone and maybe he feels like having him there he atleast knows where he is at, its VERY hard dealing with someone on drugs, if he has not stoled from you guys yet then atleast give him that benifit of the doubt..because he may not..I dont know how advanced his drug use is either...the longer they do it they more they will find themselfes doing things to get their next high. I understand you dont want to be around him..but its sad because he is sick, I do not know if you know this but if you are really concerned about hs drug problem you can step in even tho he s 22 :)( I know all about this stuff) , Hubby can go to the court house and get a petition to go before the judge saying SS is a threat to himself..and he lists his sons disabiltys and drug issues and the judge will sign it that day and have him court ordered picked up and taken to a facility for help, the sheriff will go right to his door where ever he is living. Instead of trying to avoid him and his strong and find him some help rather he wants it or not. Honestly..its the most loving and kindest thing you both could do for him, obviously he has some emotional issues that need professional attention( the drugs are just coating it). Let him attend the party, be gracious and PUT UP ANY perscriptions...MY ADVICE, if you think this sounds like something you and hubby can come to together on them maybe you can do this after the party,sometime the following week or something, if he ends up in a facility on a holiday I will tell you like I was told about my BS, " It will be one he will never forget", it is what it is..but the most important thing is someone should step in before BD burys his kid..I will NEVER say " not my kid" Sad I have lived this struggle for sooo long, I hope you take my advice.. I mean the best with it,and as for him staying..exspress your concerns to hubby and why, because it is true...drug users have many faces..but seek him help..the court thing does not cost anyone to file a order pick up. Good luck

NYClost's picture

I feel your pain. Been through almost the exact same thing with my SD. If your SD thought he was high, then unfortunately we surely was. Keep your head up and make sure your DH gets him the h__ out of there quickly. Keep your head up. You did nothing to deserve this.