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What would you do - SS22 Stuff in Our House

karenemoy's picture

Not sure what to do - feel bad, but why do we have to be a storage unit. SS22 is a drug addict - walked out of 4th or 5th rehab place in December and we have not heard from him since. DH is done with him cut off phone, insurance, etc.

Problem is we have a bunch of his stuff and our house is on the market.

DH says sell the stuff - his drums and electric quitars.

We cannot get in touch with him but if we move I do not want to continue to store this shit.



buttercookie's picture

I say sell it and if you want put the money a side for when your skid gets off drugs. You should not have to store items for an adult esp if its going to be in the way or cause hardship.

3littlemonkeys's picture

I would sell it, but only go through the proper channels as if SS were a tenant and he abandoned property. That way the he can't back and try to sue you for illegally selling it (so he can get drug money.)

Of course, if the stuff isn't his, don't worry about it.

ThatGirl's picture

If these are items that you purchased for him, sell it and be done with it. Or, if you can get ahold of him, give him two weeks to come and get it (then he can sell it and buy more drugs).

ThatGirl's picture

LOL this is what we eventually did with SD's stuff when she quit coming on our weeks. After about a year of not seeing her, SO boxed up her stuff and dropped off a box or two at a time each Monday when we dropped SS at BM's. I'd have just thrown it all out, but he wanted her to have it }:)

Jsmom's picture

I like the idea of selling it and putting the money in a separate account for him with your name on it and if he cleans up it is his to start over. If not, buy something with it that you wouldn't ordinarily do...But, give him some time to see if he comes home clean...