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Football saturday

jwkstepmom's picture

How about how BM brought my SS8 to his football game on saturday ( her only weekend with him this whole month) and she left after being there 5 mins not a word to anyone! She mentioned something to one of the other football moms "arent i lucky I get to leave?" the other mother replied " you arent staying? I havent seen you at a football game yet this season" BM response "No need to he has enough people here cheering him on" ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? I feel so bad for my SS8, but my husband and I just took him home with us like every other time I wish there was a way in the State of Maryland to remove her custody of him because she obviously doesnt care. When my husband called her later and was like where are you her response was "relax I have to go grocery shopping what is the big deal?" The big deal is that you dont care about your son and are only holding on to him for the child support! HELP SOMEONE MUST KNOW HOW TO PROVE NEGLECT OR SOMETHING TO GET HER CLAWS OUT OF MY POOR SS!


halfstepmom2skids's picture

BM sounds extremly errogant, i would have fun with her. be late, dont show up. Start getting more over nights with him, just ask her for it until eventually he wants to be there all the time.

jwkstepmom's picture

we bascially have "full custody" my husband gets my SS8 off the bus everyday except tuesdays and we have him every weekend except the 1st weekend of the month we do his homework with him and have dinner with him everynight. She does come and pick him up from either our house or football practice I wish that set some sort of standard. Also Im hoping she just gets lazy and stops coming to pick him up and just leaves him at our house with us. He said last night during dinner "why do I have to go back to mommys why cant i just stay here?" I dont even know how to answer that for him