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Life is too stressful right now. I need a laugh!

justmakingthebest's picture

Tell me the funniest thing you have learned from/about your spouse/SO?


Here is mine:

A few months ago we were doing a family zoom meeting with my in-laws. We were thinking of fun things to do while everything is shut down. I mentioned that I need to get DH and I a bike so we can take all the kids on this cool trail that is around where we live. Both his sisters just started cracking up! 

I was like What is happening?? Through the hysterical laugh snorting they were doing they got out that DH doesn't know how to ride a bike! I lost it!!! I told him our whole marriage is a sham! I don't even know him! Who is this stranger!! 

Poor DH, we tease him so much now! I even sent him pictures of the big trikes so he can go with us still! LOL


Chmmy's picture

That is funny. Poor DH. How do you go through life without knowing how to ride a bike?!?!

I'm trying so hard to think of something funny but I'm so upset and angry toward him, any funny story right now is just pathetic. I mean someday I think the emotional incest toward his children will be sorta funny to me but right now it is too new. At this point everything he has done grosses me out.

justmakingthebest's picture

I have no idea! What is even better is he taught both his sons but can't himself!

I am sorry that you are going through all of that. I would be disgusted too. 

ESMOD's picture

My husband told me about a pair of shoes he wanted when he was maybe 13 years old.  He said they were platform shoes.. think elton johnesque shoes.  He begged for them.. and apparently he was kind of a brat about it.  but they caved and got them.. though they were pretty expensive and my husband's parents were not well off.  Well... when he got them, he was too embarassed to wear them.. because they were pretty flashy..haha.  

It's funny.. I mean.. he is not in any way the kind of guy that you would ever expect to have wanted something like that.  he lives in jeans, sneakers and tshirts.. lol.

justmakingthebest's picture

Hahaha! I am totally picturing those white sparkling platforms! 

CLove's picture

My DH has thick, jet blue-black hair (no gray at 52!). When he was a teenager, he said that he had to shower every day to wash the hairspray out. He doesnt sweat and has no body hair so, that was the ONLY reason he showered every day.

lol. Aquanet.

justmakingthebest's picture


I loved me some Aquanet! Then I got high class and rocked Paul Mitchell Freeze and Shine! Nothing like rock hard crusty hair! LOL