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BM1 rears her ugly head!

justmakingthebest's picture

Just had the first welfare call on my house! BM1 has officially lost her 5 youngest children apparently and decided to go after SS21. She hasn't had SS21 (autistic) since he was 1 and her next 2 youngest since they were toddlers. 8 kids and custody of none.

This is the woman who missed his graduation because she punched a cop. 

This is the woman who hasn't sent even a card to him in the last 7 years.

This is the woman whose own son doesn't want to speak to her.

Yet she accused me of abusing him and holding him hostage! 

Her mom called to tell me that she was afraid she was up to something a few hours ago and that she was talking about coming out here to get SS21. Her mom has custody of the youngest 5. 

The cops walked around my house, told me what a wonderful home we have, how well SS21 looks and that he was communicating his feelings well and respectfully. He was obviously not under duress and only stressed because strangers were in our home. They told me to take out a cease and desist and possibly a restraining order. That if SS21 was taken by her, with his diminished capacity it could be kidnapping. Could isn't strong enough for me. I want her ass in jail if she comes anywhere near MY KID. I am his mom, not her. 


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Wow! What's her game? Is she hoping to get her hands on disability benefits? Pathetic.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

I am glad the cops seemed to of realize how asinine her report was and that your SS was able to communicate his feelings well. 

Crossing my fingers she doesn't come anywhere near your home or SS. 

People are crazy

Stepdrama2020's picture

What a nut job to the max. 

SMH. So many people want children so badly and cannot due to infertility, age (me), or circumstance. Yet here there are these disgusting humans having many babies and not being able to care for any of them. Thankfully there are wonderful SM's, extended family, foster and adoptive parents who can fulfill that role.

You are his mom. Just cause you gave birth does not make you a mom, a birthing person yes, but mom is not automatic. A mom is the one who gives love, cares, and ensures the wellbeing of the child. Thats YOU! My hat goes off to you lady.


CLove's picture

Crazy Troll had 3 kids. All taken away from her and adopted out.

Toxic Troll had 2 kids. Shes an a$$hole and doesnt deserve kids. Many have told me she doesnt seem to want to be a parent reall. The kids are bff's. Someone to talk to.

And here I am wanting to be a parent. Not able to. But sure I can help and pay. Ugh.

BethAnne's picture

She's crazy. I'm glad you got a heads up and that the police saw what was going on. 

Have you ever discussed adoption? I'm not sure if that is as straight forward for your SS with his mental disabilities as it was for Rag's SS but if you are all interested in might be worth investigating and could give him/you extra protection from BM's antics. 

ESMOD's picture

Respectfully I think you need to change your user name.  It really should be "youcan'tmakethisSH*Tup"

I mean.. you must have broken a few mirrors.. I feel so bad for you!

justmakingthebest's picture

I have gotten about 200 text in the last couple of hours. Nothing but how I am abusing SS21. DH is a child rapist (he was 18 and she was 16 when they had SS. She lied about her age at a party and the rest is history. Most raped people don't demand their rapist marry them).

Threats to send cops every week. 

Threats to show up at my house.

This lady is off her rocker. 

Ahhhh.... and as I type the first "private number" call has come in. I sure hope she tires herself out soon. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

against her. This is insane and unacceptable.

This was 21 years ago and exactly you don't marry your "rapist." That is like when DH served BM divorce papers BM tried claiming rape and abuse, but was fine that DH was the primary care giver of the two kids and was trying to get back with him.... Like you can't claim such terrible things about a person and still want to be with them/have no issues with the person being the primary care giver. 

I am so sorry you are going through this!

justmakingthebest's picture


The courts saw him, at 18 and active duty Navy to be the stable parent from day one. She is a joke just trying to make issues where there are none.

Peach's picture

Take out a restraining order for harassment since she is texting and calling repeatedly.  Work to get her hauled to jail if she won't leave you alone.  What a nut!

SteppedOut's picture

Agree. Do not even entertain her insanity for the full day. Go get a restraining order. F her. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

You are not having much luck at the moment.

I guess we have to assume that BM1 is desperate for SS21's benefits to fund her life.  

I'm sending you lots of good karma via the interwebs.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Somebody needs to drop a house on that trashy witch. Sorry you're having to deal with this.