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Yeah... Sorry BM this isn't going to work out well for you.

just.his.wife's picture

So, BM’s attorney sent us a new letter through our attorney. It’s written all polite and chatty with the underlying “If we cannot come to a mutual agreement then we will let the courts decide” tone.

See, BM is being transferred to Prison. And the prison she is going to is nearly 300 miles away from where we live. She and her attorney apparently, feel that since she has completed her parenting classes, anger management classes etc: that she should be allowed her ‘supervised visitation’ with the skids, despite her ‘current housing situation’.

Her proposal is that Every Other Weekend that DH drives the kids 600 miles round trip so they can see her during visitation hours at prison. Mind you: visitation ‘block’ at the prison is 90 minutes long from what her attorney states in his letter. You read that right; she wants one of us to drive 600 miles round trip, so she can spend 90 minutes with the skids. Twice a month.

So let’s see: DH has every other weekend off from work. So either HE can waste HIS weekend off with the skids driving them to see their felonious mother… plus gas, mileage, food and likely a hotel room TWICE a month… or “I” could drive them on weekends that DH is working.

Let me know when you’re done picking your jaws up off the floor, wiping tears away from hysterical laughter… or wiping off your screen from spitting from whatever fluid you had in your mouth getting spit all over it.

DH lost his damn mind when he read the letter. I laughed my a$$ off!!

Below is the email I sent to our attorney:

(Name redacted),
Please have BM’s attorney advise how she will be providing expenses for each trip. Please advise him that expenses will include:

Rental car
Gasoline and mileage
Food expenses for the children
Hotel accommodations
Professional nanny to accompany the children (as neither DH nor I are available for out of town trips)

You can advise the attorney that the above expenses are wholly BM’s responsibility as the Court Ordered Child Custody/ Time Sharing schedule (date listed) has stated that BM is responsible for paying for the supervised visitation and ‘any costs incurred due to the supervision’.

Once Nannies are interviewed, their backgrounds checked and their employment contract is signed- payable by BM, rental car contract is signed and prepaid by BM, hotels reserved and paid for by BM and funds are made available for the children’s meals for the trip, we will be happy to schedule a weekend they can visit BM.

Have a great day,


just.his.wife's picture

I honestly don't know.

However, if she proposes Skype as an option I do not think DH would have an objection to it. He is a believer the kids SHOULD see and talk to their mom. But considering BM is not paying CS (can't) her supervised visits will not be at his expense.

Anon2009's picture

If you don't mind my asking, what's she going to prison for?

Instead of asking your dh to do all this, couldn't she ask her family to bring the kids to see her? How does dh feel about the kids seeing bm in prison?

If anything, bm did help me-she started my day off with a good laugh.

HappyCow's picture

If I was in BM's shoes there is no way I would ever want my kids to see me in prison. Great reply letter!

HappyCow's picture

If I was in BM's shoes there is no way I would ever want my kids to see me in prison. Great reply letter!

Drac0's picture

I love the response too.

Just a thought. Instead of every other weekend, would your husband be open to having the children visit BM just a couple of times a year? I keep thinking about what would be best for the skids. :?

just.his.wife's picture

Yes. He is open to three times a year.

Her Birthday (which is in the summer). The Saturday before mothers day (so he can see his mom on mothers day proper) and December 26th.

This was already offered. Their response was the letter our attorney received.

Drac0's picture

Oh so BM's proposal that you wrote in your OP was really a Counter-proposal?

Wow! This BM really does have brass nuts. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes to court; preferably mediation because I would argue that the cost to go to court would cause DH undue financial hardship and wouldn't be able to afford the 300 mile trip. In other words "Take it or leave it BM!"

just.his.wife's picture

There was communication between attorneys more a how are we going to handle this: DHs attny sent what he was willing to do. Bms attoreny came back with this nonsense of what bm wanted... so while none of this is 'official' its basically attny's talking trying to avoid mediation court etc.

Also, DH offered to bring the kids those 3 days, did not expect BM to reimburse. So apparently BM feels 3 days isn't enough she wants 26 on DH's (and my) dime.

misSTEP's picture

Wow. smdh

Sometimes I cannot even fathom the depth of the entitlement that is in these psycho BMs.