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I somewhat disengaged about two months ago, putting a lot of extra on DH. I have been put through hell the past 6 years.
we got along great at first then biomom who was supposed to have court ordered no contact and she showed up at her elementary school and spent the day with her even telling sd she was going to kill me. Things went downhill quick.
i have had dhs called on me multiple times. she has hit me and even left bruises on me. i currently have a broken toe from her throwing herself down. she is 14 almost 15. one month. she is failing ALL of her classes. shes just a really broken kid. she will never lower her goals. she keeps them so high she never is able to accomplish them. she is in counsling and has been for 6 years. she has been in 3 mental hospitals, 1 theraputic girls home which was a joke. she has not changed behavior. it was left upon me. i gave up i went crazy and i slapped her when she put her hands on me. i gave up.

3 months later dad is talking to the counsler to put her in a foster home. i don't agree with it. but im relieved becuase i don't want her there but foster home...i don't want that for anyone... i kicked her out a year ago she went to live with her aunt. did great for awhile... then just stopped they sent her home. she lived with her grandmother couldn't handle it either.

foster care...i can't wrap my mind around it.

i wish dh would of stepped up when she was a kid and disciplined her and made her do stuff and listen. becuase we have had hell to pay becuase of it. mil can tell dh that all day long but he created a monster by not making her listen for all those years and not making her do her school work. its pathetic.

sorry im all over the place i was in foster care tilil i found some great people to adopt me. so this seems wrong.