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does any other step parent seem to nit pick things when their mad at their step-kid.

jstorie's picture

My sd16 has been through a lot. she can't attend school right now. so she stays home all day long.
Her BM after filling her head with how she loved her and wanted her and things were going to be the best they ever had decided to tell sd she didn't want her. meaning she ran away and is in all that trouble for nothing. she ruined what good she had at her aunts with online school and her part time job. etc. no shes home and mad.

I told sd16 since she is home during the day she is responsible for having the house clean. That's her job. Everyone in the house has something to do except her so this is now her responsibility.

She is to take out the dog.
yesterday she was to give both dogs baths
keep up with the laundry and dishes and make sure no trash is on the floors.
keep up with dishes.
Stay out of my room and the office.

So when I came home there was a cd out from the work room. mine. I said why were you in that room. Well dad knew and was okay with it. She started to get hateful and I said well im not okay with that. then she said "dad said I could take the dog for a walk." me "No, its dark oustide" sd " DAD said it was okay" Me "If your dad wants to he can go for a walk with you and the dog. but you will not be walking the dog at night alone" I then walk into the kitchen and see dishes weren't kept up with not a lot but just 4 or 5. It infuriated me I went and sat on the couch across from her and she was doing a little pitty party. So
I said "sd16 we should probably talk about whats bothering us before it spirals out of control."
sd "I don't have an attitude. nothings wrong"
me "well your body language and the way you are acting is telling me something different"
SD"I don't have and attitude"

at that point I got up to go take a shower.

I hear dh come in and holler for him to come here. and I vented.

I told him this
"I feel myself doing what I used to do. I feel like im looking for everything to be pissed off about because im mad at her. I don't want to start this again. I don't want to be pushed to my limit."
dH "What happened"
me - "I feel she has an attitude. I said I don't like her being in that room. I don't like she didn't give the other dog a bath. its supposed to freeze tonight and the dog can't come in until she has a bath and flea meds put on. The dishes aren't done. and she has an attitude of Daddy said. against me. You told her she could take the dog for walks. but its dark. well daddy says its okay. what I say doesn't matter. I told you both she was never coming back after laying her hands on me. and you found other arrangements so we could continue to be married."
DH - ill deal with it

FEW mins later sd is yelling "what did I do so wrong! I tried today! I don't have an attitude but mom is not being fair to me blah blah blah

Im already out at this time. and I get in it

"Look dear precious sd If u would of easedropped to the hole freakin thing instead of just part of it. I told dad I wasn't being fair one thing made me mad and it felt like I was looking for more reasons to be mad. so I talked to you father so he could hold me accountable and pick out just what the problem was and taken care of it. if you would talk to me I would of told you that! don't go to dad to talk shit on me.

Sd "that what you did to me by talking to dad"
me " I talked to dad from keeping this to happen."

lots more to be said lots more yelling about bio mom. but my question is how do you stop yourself from being nit-picky


jstorie's picture

she does have therapy twice a week. and dh sorta said those things. but not really. we discussed those issues after all was said and done and the rules are clear and written down now. dh did tell her she could walk the dog when he got home not realizing he had to take care of something for his mom. as for the room it wasn't said at all.

fakemommy's picture

Well first, you are allowed to talk to DH about SD like that. He's your husband and that's kind of what spouses and parents do...

Yes. I 100% get what you mean. I get the same way. The best thing to do for me is to take a bit of time for myself and disengage more than normal. I usually go do something for myself for the evening and tell DH what he needs to talk to skid about and what skid needs to do while I'm gone (chore wise).

Also, you shouldn't put flea meds on dogs right after a bath. You have to wait a day or 2 for the natural oils in their skin to return before you put the meds on or they are not as effective.

Major Blunder's picture

I do it, I get nit picky, or at least used to (disengagement gets kinda blurry at times lol ) I may point out something from time to time now but for the most part I do my best to ignore issues that bother me and wait for them to bother DW, which can take a longggggggg time sometimes. Your situation is much different J, strict and plainly outlined rules and ramifications do need to be in place. From what you shared I don't see where you were nit picky this time around.

Acratopotes's picture

I would've told her - I give a f@uck what Dad said, this is my office and my room and you stay out of it is that clear little girl..... then I will start locking both rooms....

For the dishes and dog - once again I give a f@ck what Dad said, these are the rules is that clear, no get you ass to the dirty dishes and do it,

When DH comes in,, I will simply tell him, we agreed on what's going to happen who the hell gives you the right to go behind my back and change the rules, I'm done trying to help you and your brat, from now on, please ensure she's taken care off while we are not here, when I get home from an office day, you better be here early and clean this mess before I get home... I'm locking these rooms cause your brat has no business using them.... I'm done done with helping you..
and SD do not call my Mum again, I'm not your mother and I want nothing to do with your lazy nasty ass..

Then sit back and see how DH works his butt off.... if you come home and the house is a mess, text him - I made it clear that this is not the way it should be, please get home and come and clean this mess!!!!

take a stand... and let DH be his little girls b!tch