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Christmas vacation with estranged SD....SUCKED!

Jsmom's picture

Well, you may recall we had planned our annual vacation with the kids over Christmas. NY and Boston this year. SD originally was supposed to go and then she got mad at her dad and put some stuff online and we said she had to apologize. Long story, read previous blogs. The afternoon before we left, she decided to apologize to her dad so she could go. I yelled at her for blowing him off and said fine she could go, but we were expecting her to be courteous and kind on the trip to the boys and no whining.

Well, four days in and she was put on a plane home....She never stopped snapchatting (which is an evil app and needs to be stopped, more on that in another blog)or tweeting or taking selfies. She barely saw the statue of liberty or Ellis island. She was insolent most of the trip. She bragged about drugs and drinking with me. She was nice, if we were spending money...But, the minute it was walking, she was all complaining. The minute our backs were turned she walked away. Lost her in Times Square. She left and went to McDonald's about a half hour before we were going to dinner, so of course she didn't eat what she ordered. Meals were 100 bucks every time.

She flipped out when we wouldn't let her go run on the treadmill in the hotel in the middle of Times Square alone. She weighs 88 pounds. Sorry, not on my watch. It was minute by minute of what she would do. Well on the last day in NY she got tired of walking through Greenwich Village. My husband and the boys were enjoying it, we even came up on Eleanor Roosevelts house. We do that on all of our trips. She knew that. Well lets say when my husband got mad at the whining and her walking off, she lost it. Screaming and yelling and trying to hit me and I hadn't said nothing, but asking her to calm down. The swear words were awful. DH who has dealt with a mom like this, reacted well. I got the boys out of the way around the corner. I said to them that she is Bi-polar and clearly this is a manic episode and we need to let your dad deal with it. She came around the corner, telling me that she was not bi-polar and I was a "" and tried to hit me. Then my kid gets in the middle of it and yelled at her, who the hell did she think she was, that I was the one paying for her to be her and she should be grateful. She tried to hit him. All the meanwhile, DH is trying to pull her back. People are passing by and commenting that she needs a smack and should they call the police for us. After that, I grabbed the boys and went back to the hotel. Leaving my screaming SD and DH in the middle of Greenwich village.

It was unreal...Now fast forward and I have to have more of these blogs in order to explain the next few days, we take the train to Boston, where she acts like nothing happened. DH asks her that night if she wants to stay. She says yes and she is sorry. I barely spoke to her other than a hug later to tell her I love her but I hate her behavior. Last thing I have said and I wish I could take it back...I kept trying for my husband but now am done.

She then had a phone call that lasted an hour and half once we were in the B&B in Boston and my sons heard the whole thing. She apparently didn't want to go to Boston and didn't want to learn and her friend who she was talking to was drunk or high told her they were having a NYE party and she should come home. Later that night she walked into our room while we were having sex, hadn't been in a room by ourselved in days. The doors had no keys just a key pad, she used the code and walked in. DH about flipped. I could care less at this point, it was like dealing with a toddler.

She told him that she was sorry, but she was homesick and wanted to not ruin our vacation but, she was having a lot of anxiety and wanted to go home. He sent her to bed and said he would discuss it in the morning. We talked and figured out she was playing us. We knew she had a better offer, the boys who heard the entire conversation with her and her friend, confirmed it that next morning. DH and her left and I took the boys to Harvard and MIT. Something my boys really wanted to see. Let's just say BM told DH she would not let her go out and DH confronted SD right before she walked on the plane. We didn't want her having a meltdown in the airport with TSA refusing her to board.

Fast forward and she has a ton of drinking vines online so we know that she went out drinking on NYE after BM assured DH that wouldn't happen. Now DH is meeting with BM tomorrow morning and is telling her he is walking away since BM won't discipline her by being a parent. BM did other things this week. Meds were not being taken and BM assured us they were. Lies and more lies. It just keeps going on. I can tell you more things, but honestly I am tired of the situation. Let's just say we know we had to take her in order to try again, but it will never happen again...DH knows she can not come back in our home unless she is in intensive therapy and on at least three pills which is what all the research says. Her behavior has to be damn near perfect for me now and that will never happen as long as BM won't cut off her phone or take away her car....I will post more later...


Peaches's picture

Knowing people like that can own a vehicle honestly scares me. Also, to the OP, if it's of any concern to you or your SO, the app "Snap chat" just had a huge security breach, over 4 million phone numbers/info was hacked.

Just J's picture

Wow what a nightmare. That ungrateful girl needs one of those boot camps for troubled teens. At least your DH isn't blind to it all and sees exactly what she is doing. You can feel good knowing you tried. That little shit didn't.

DarkStar's picture

I am so sorry that happened. I can relate, but it sounds like your situation was much much worse.

After one vacation and SDthen13's absolute horrific behavior, I refused to go on another vacation with them. It's sad that she ruined it for everyone, the two younger skids were wonderful and having a great time. SO said he "couldn't afford" to take the 3 skids on vacation without me.....too bad, so sad. I am not spending my hard earned cash and what little vacation time I get on a whining, spoiled, misbehaved skid.
What's worse is that SD was making snarky, snide comments about it several months afterwards.....laughing about her obnoxious behavior...then said something like "Next time....." and I totally interrupted, "Like hell there will be a next time, that was the first and last. Why would I want to spoil another vacation?" She looked honestly confused, like she just could NOT comprehend that what she did was so bad.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I felt so bad for you reading your post. No good deed goes unpunished when it comes to SK's. We once took SD and her friend to our beach vacation and apparently they thought I was along to be their personal maid. That will never happen again.

misSTEP's picture

Wow. I am sorry that your vacation was tarnished by the ingrate.

The worst my skids did was when we decided to go camping and fishing. They freaked out about bugs. BUGS. YES, there ARE BUGS outside! Doesn't BM ever make them go OUT??? Nope, because then she would have to get off her OWN fat ass and do things instead of just ordering THEM to do it.

They got upset because there was nowhere to charge their electronics. They were afraid a crazy person would come in the night...etc etc. We ended up packing the tents back up and driving all the way back home again.

Figured out years later that it was BM putting all that stress and anxiety in their head. They were able to go camping with BM and her newest victim!

Jsmom's picture

My SS and BS will not be exposed to her again. That ship sailed. DH knows that and understands. He right now, is not sure he even wants to try and have a relationship with her. She is a walking time bomb of something bad happening. I was still making excuses for her not being medicated properly with the bi-polar and his reaction was this is not just bi-polar this is a kid who is manipulative and is incapable of hearing the word "NO". He gets it. His plan tomorrow is to tell BM if she is not willing to drug test SD and breathalyzer her, then he is walking away. He printed a bunch of stuff and added the links to the drunken vine videos to his phone and plans on showing BM. Asking her if this is okay with her, if it is he is done and she is all her problem. He intends on trying in a few years, but basically is prepared to walk away.

How sad....BM can't and won't parent a child that needs it and because of that, she can not see her brother or her father...He is so done. As we sat in our beautiful suite with our two kids on NYE and we found those videos, he clearly was done at that point. I think he realized that she had ruined our vacation and thousands of dollars wasted and the two boys who loved him, didn't deserve that. Before that, he was willing to give BM the benefit of the doubt on punishing SD for playing us, but once she did that, I sent a text to her and had already sent an email discussing the meltdown. At that point I was willing to move her in, and shut down her life and get her on the meds, but after BM did a couple things while we were gone that showed up on Twitter, I am done and my husband is too...I will no longer encourage my SS15 to have a relationship with her. NEVER again...I won't say he can't see his mom, but I will not be accommodating for their dinners out.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Manic episodes don't appear, last twenty minutes and leave; manic episodes escalate and last for weeks or months. If she is not taking her medicine properly she is basically unmedicated. The number of medications she is on is totally irrelevant. If she is having a manic episode, drinking, using drugs, not sleeping appropriately, and not taking her medication properly she needs to be hospitalized before it gets worse (it will get worse). Please be compassionate.. Being a teenager is hard enough without having not only your hormones but also your dopamine and serotonin levels raging completely out of your control.

Jsmom's picture

I have done the research on bipolar and my husband has lived with it with his mom. No tolerance left. She is a brat, bi-polar or not. No excuses. This episode was four days in the making and she played us.... she is manipulative brat. I agree she needs to be hospitalized but BM won't do it. So stepping away is the best thing for us. My compassion is gone. Teen years are hard but you can and should be held accountable for your actions. If I could sue BM for 6k spent on a vacation, I would. Yeah my BS tolerance is gone.....