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Irritated at my DH

Jlbfinch's picture

I have to put on my BM hat for this one bc it has nothing to do with my step kids. Last night or early this morning my DD7's scooter got stolen either off of our front porch or out of our front yard. As a parent I feel bad for my DD bc she loves her scooter and rides it daily. It sucks to have your property stolen and it sucks to know that someone was creeping around your home in the middle of the night looking for something to take. My DD is very tall so it wasn't a cheap little kid scooter, it was a $75 one meant for teens and adults. I won't be able to replace it until Christmas.

This morning I called my DH to ask him by any chance did he move her scooter somewhere when he left for work this morning. He said no and I told him that I figured he hadn't and that her scooter must have gotten stolen. His immediate reaction was "well that's what she gets for leaving it out." My problem with that is that I've never told her she has to put it in the garage. She has parked her scooter on the front porch everyday since she got it. I told DH "well that's my fault bc I am the one who allows her to leave her scooter on the porch." His response was that he has seen it a few times laying in the yard and she must have left it in the yard last night bc it's a lot more likely that someone would snatch it out of our yard then to come steal it off our porch.

I agree that it's a lot riskier to take something off a porch but my DD has left her scooter in the yard a few times and on the porch hundreds of times. She said she left it on the porch--why not just give her the benefit of the doubt and have an ounce of sympathy for a kid whose prized possession got stolen? He doesn't have to actually care but he could at least just politely say that sucks or sorry to hear that.


DaizyDuke's picture

.... and heaven forbid if you made a comment like that about skids.... right? The double standards are ridic.

LochnessStepMonster's picture

His comment sounds like something I would say in my head about my SD7. Its a jerk thing to do but it should stay in your head.

Sincerely, it does suck that that even happened. Who steals kids toys? There's a special place for people that do those kind of things.

I bet DH's opinion would have been different if it were his child.

uofarkchick's picture

He can't read your mind so I'm not sure how he was supposed to give you the reaction you desired. It's kinda like if the neighbor said her kid's scooter was stolen. It's not his kid, not his scooter, so why should he care?

moeilijk's picture

Exactly! I mean, just because someone else goes through a bad time doesn't mean anyone should care! Like when the US went through a Civil War just because some people were slaves. Who cares?!? As long as you, personally, weren't a slave, then there was absolutely no problem!

For those who aren't sure, my comment was written using the sarcasm font.

Acratopotes's picture

I'm sorry but I'm with DH - she should've put it away.... and I will not get her a new one till Christmas...
it's a little life lesson learned.

but it's just me.... and I probably would've told her to rather stash it in the garage then leaving it out..

Jlbfinch's picture

I understand that it shouldn't have been left out (hindsight and all that) but she is 7 years old and still very much taking directions from me. I am the one who told her to keep it parked on the porch (bc I didn't want her in and out of the garage all the time). I would much rather my husband tell me "I never thought it was a good idea to let her leave it out" than "that's what she gets." Who deserves to have their suff stolen?

Acratopotes's picture

I'm whit you - stealing is wrong and people should not do it, but it happens, thus it's up to us to ensure out stuff is as safe as it can be...

Use this opportunity to teach DD, she's old enough to learn, put it behind you and move forward, stop blaming DH, he did nothing wrong, he never told her to put it away, and well he gave you the typical shocked male answer..

cause immediately he was thinking... Eff me if they can come onto my lawn they can steal my lawn mower, drink my beer and leave with my flat screen TV, how will I watch football ?

WalkOnBy's picture

Meh - I would have said what your DH said about my OWN kid.

Teach your DD to keep her things safe and move on.

Glassslipper's picture

Life is full of lessons for children, some HARSH and some "oh well" lessons.
Unfortunately for your DD, this is the harsh but true life lesson.
There are people out there who do not care if they hurt you or a child and steal your most prized possession.
If you care about it, protect it from others.
Put the things you care about behind closed locked doors.

Sorry, but I have to side with your DH on this one too, I have 2 kids and 2 skids, put it away at night where others can't get to it or it could be stolen.

Jlbfinch's picture

To be honest it was my DH's dismissal of me saying it got stolen off the porch that had me the most irritated. She has left her scooter in the yard a handful of times and he was insistent that she must have left it in the yard last night bc no one would be bold enough to come on our porch (we have a camera...that's not actually hooked up so it's worthless but the idea is that thieves don't know that). My daughter said she parked it on the porch. I have no reason not to believe her but it's like my DH thinks she shouldn't be believed by default.

Merry's picture

No matter where the scooter was, porch or yard, stealing is still wrong. Sure, she needs to learn to protect her stuff (and herself), but she committed no crime. The lowlife thieves did. Compassion from your DH would have been nice. I'm with you.