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no visitation vs no contact

jstorie's picture

When my Dh and I got married I was told no contact. its been almost 8 years shes missing. long drawn out story. so we went to prove to the cops she had no contact ordered.
but when we got there the papers said no visitation rights? whats the difference? and I could swear when we went and go the papers last year for her school it said no contact. and recently our mail has been stolen? could any of this correlate?

heres the reason I ask:

bm took my sd16. we have emails that prove it now they have been missing for 5 days. The police say that's not evidence enough. when push came to shuv we parked in front of bm driveway till cops got there they told us to pull up we did cops were walking up to her house and the car backed out and left. that's not enough proof either.

One hand Im thrilled my sd isn't at our house. but other hand I want to know shes safe. my mind is going to some nasty places. I want to put it on fb to have her found. but dh doesn't because if they just catch sd16 then bm won't be able to have charges pressed.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

I really had trouble understanding this post. Too many shes and hers.