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Apparently I got a thank you

ITB2012's picture

As part of DHs defense of the skids holiday behaviors he said that they thanked me for planning and getting everyone tickets for an event. I looked at DH and asked when that happened. He told me. I then asked him how I was supposed to know that.

We went to an open market type place to eat where everyone can get their own food from different vendors (basically a free-standing upscale food court). DH and I are sitting at a counter. The three kids walk up to us, I am on the far side of them, DH is between us. YSS hands DH a beverage from the place they were at and while looking only at DH says thanks for bringing them "here." That apparently was a thank you to me (including the beverage that was not handed to me). 

Even DH had to admit that there is no way I could have interpreted that as a thank you to me for the whole event or that it was from more than one kid. It sounded like a thanks to his dad for taking them to the food venue. 

DH said he's frustrated and how are they ever going to learn the proper way to do things. To that I responded: you! You are the one who is supposed to be teaching them how to do it properly, whatever the "it" is. That's your job as a parent!


thinkthrice's picture

Conjured up "thank you from skids" (TM) by daddykins hoping to drywall over decades of disrespect, nastiness, lack of parenting and feralocity.