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SD has pinkeye and it's all SO's fault

IAmALady77's picture

We had SD Saturday and Sunday, dropped her to daycare on noon on Monday. On Sunday morning when I got up with SD (shes 2 and a half) I noticed her eye was a little crusty and swollen looking and there was crusted snot all over her face. So I got a warm washcloth and wiped her off. She had been "sick" the last time we had her 4 days prior (we AND the doctor think it's allergies, not BM of course) so I gave her a dose of her childrens allergy medicine along with her gummy vitamin. Her nose cleared right up and her eye was okay. We went to family dinner Sunday night and I noticed her eye was looking a little swollen again, we had gone to the park and she was running around outside so I figured it was allergies (a logical assumption.)

FMIL cleaned her eye out and told us to keep an eye (no pun intended) on it because it may be pinkeye but could probably just be allergies. FMIL was a nurse for years, she knows what shes talking about.

Well, the next day her eye wasn't that swollen so I gave her half a dose of her allergy medicine and her vitamin and SO dropped her off to daycare. This was yesterday.

BM starts calling non-stop all day today. We didn't answer, assuming that if it was an emergency she would leave a message. Finally she did, here it is:

Thanks a fucking-lot SO for taking her to daycare yesterday when she had pinkeye! Now I have to miss two days of work because your fucking daughter is sick. This is such a hassle! You can't take care of your daughter when shes sick??! Why should I have to miss work to take care of this, YOU got her sick! Next time you have her, you have to put these drops in her eyes. THANKS.

Note: Neither SO nor I have pinkeye. She DID NOT get this from us, she probably got it at daycare. You know, the daycare that she DIDN'T have to be at because we were available to take care of her. Also, pinkeye does not last that long, we don't get her again until Friday. Which means she has 3 days to take care of HIS daughter and clear it up. She probably won't even be that bad when we get her.

Also, she DIDN'T have pinkeye when we dropped her off. She wasn't that bad AT ALL. If she had pinkeye I would have insisted that we keep her home with us, now all the kids there are probably infected because BM is a bitch. Awesome right?

I'm tempted to call her and tell her if she can't handle doing her job as a MOTHER (because you know, sometimes your kids are going to get sick) that I will be more than willing to take the hassle off her hands.

I gotta tell you guys, I'm getting REAL sick of this bitch.


IAmALady77's picture

Yes, I was listening to the voicemail just shaking my head, out of everything she could have called to bitch at him about, I never expected that...or for her to be SO pissed. I would understand if she had pinkeye and it was bad and we sent her to daycare and didn't tell her, then yes, she would have a reason to be mad. But that simply was not the case.