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Hastings's picture


So, Ex is on a cruise and SS12 is with us for almost two weeks. Last night, when H went into SS’s room to say good night, he smelled something “off.” He asked SS about it — was there an accident or anything? No. H let it go because when SS comes over, there's often a cat odor on some of his stuff and H thought that might be it.

This morning, H had to leave early for an out-of-town meeting, so he asked if I would check the room to see if I smelled it, too.

It intensified in the night because the stench hit me in the face. I found a bath towel soaked with urine crumpled on the floor. Cue pet spray, air freshener and the window open with a fan going. I also found candy wrappers all over the floor (“no food upstairs” is still in effect).

I called H to tell him and he’s livid. Lying. Sneaking candy. Not cleaning up an accident. H said apparently last week Ex let him fall behind on his schoolwork and didn’t keep up with it so now he’s behind again. And some of it, it’s too late to make up, so he’ll have 0s.

Anyway, H is taking away all electronics until Ex returns and is going to have a strong talk with him. His door will have to stay open. No more candy in the house at all. I told him he needs to be sure to emphasize we’re not upset that he had an accident. Just that he lied about it and didn’t take care of it.

Before she dropped him off last week, Ex told H SS wasn’t happy about coming to our house. There are too many rules and we make him do too much. We confiscate electronics at bedtime, make him bring his laundry down/put clean clothes away, straighten his room once a week, and no food/drink upstairs. That doesn’t seem unreasonable to us, but she tells H she agrees with SS that we’re too demanding and we should back off and do more fun stuff and buy him more things so he’ll be happy.

I just — ugh.

Anyway, I got to deal with an incredibly gross situation and, once again, he’s lying and sneaking around. This does not make it easy to like him.

Honestly, a part of me wonders if the pee wasn’t completely sn accident, but an act of defiance/protest. No clue. I could see it either way.

He’s with us until next Wednesday. Thoughts and prayers appreciated…


Hastings's picture

Yes. He has a PS5 (or something -- whatever the latest system is) that he brought over from his mom's. It's confiscated at night, but, yes, that could have been it. I have heard of that happening.

JRI's picture

You guys sound like you're handling him well but I agree, gross.  I'm laughing to myself that BM thinks your reasonable expectations are too hard on SS.  Boo hoo.  Lol.

Hastings's picture

No kidding. Every time he comes back to our house, he has new clothes, new shoes, new gadget, something. And she has a cleaning lady who picks up after them and does laundry on her days, so he doesn't have to lift a finger.

Doesn't do much for their house over all, though, because he and his clothes positively reek of cat when he comes over. It bothers us that he likely goes to school smelling like that on her weeks.

Anyway, even on weeks when he's missed school for being "sick" or is behind on schoolwork, she takes him to Dave & Buster's, the trampoline park, ice skating, you name it. That, I'm sure, is a big part of why he prefers her house.

Survivingstephell's picture

Dad is an AH for not investigating this further.  He had the chance to handle it when he first smelled it.    Then He gets to leave it to you.  Get the boy some diapers for at night. Treat him like the baby he is acting like.  He is 12, if this was a"statement " call his bluff.  I see no mention of a medical reason.   When my YSS was about that age he was peeing all over the bathroom.  I was sick of it so made DH take him in there and teach him how to clean a bathroom. Funny how his aim got better.  Making a kid clean up the mess he made is a logical consequence. At 12 you should never ever have to deal with it.   Time for new rules.  IMO 

Hastings's picture

Normally, I would have waited and made H or SS clean it, but I was afraid of the odor sinking into the floor more than it already had.

But, yes. H should have pushed harder last night. I'm guessing the smell was subtler last night because H has a super-strong sense of smell and hasn't been hesitant in the past about pushing SS on things when he suspects he's lying.

I'm going to make damn sure he makes it up to me. And currently coming up with a list of chores for SS to take on this weekend.

CLove's picture

Just gross.

Sorry you are having to deal with that. 

SD16almost17 Power Sulk hasnt been around for a while...her beach life. Room has been smelling better and shes been better about cleaning up her period pads. But for a while there, she....wasnt...

too bad BM wants to be a disney parent and expects H to be one too. Thats not realistic and its definitely not healthy.

Hastings's picture

Agreed. He has the potential to be a good kid and to make something of himself, but the way he's spoiled and coddled by BM and her parents is eroding his chances. He cries or sulks any time he hears the slightest criticism or is asked to do something. That won't serve him well.

As for grades, she told H "as long as he gets at least a D, I'm not worried." This is a very well-educated, successful woman from a well-educated family. That one kind of blew my mind. As long as SS is happy (meaning, he gets what he wants), that's all that matters.

Very frustrating for us to watch. And then any rules or expectations or consequences we put in place, no matter how benign, seem like massive corporal punishment by comparison.

We suspect the days of "I want to live with Mom" getting louder and more persistent are getting closer.

ndc's picture

Your rules and expectations for SS in your home are completely reasonable.  I also think it would be reasonable now to remove his electronics, remove candy from the house and require that his door be open.  BM does him no favors with her lack of rules, and her opinion on your rules is irrelevant. 

AlmostGone834's picture

I don't have kids but.... is this a new thing?!?! I've read on here about kids who poop their pants because they can't be bothered to pause the video game and... peeing on a carpet??? 
WTF. I just could not handle this. 

Hastings's picture

It actually is a thing. Kids get addicted to screen time, to the point they ignore or don't notice their body's signals. It's nuts -- and very unhealthy. That's why we restrict his access over here -- to try to prevent the addiction from getting too bad. But I'm afraid it hasn't been enough.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about degenerate gamblers p!ssing themselves in their seats at the slot machines. I was like "I've read about this behavior on STalk, but with video games!" These kids really are addicted. 

JCarter's picture

If he's doing that at your house he's probably doing it at BMs house too. I wonder if he thinks this is normal and someone will clean up after him. 

At the tail end of my SD (then 23) was living with us something similar happened. She came with 2 cats and kept them in her room with a litter box (a whole other issue that we had). While she was at work, (she worked 12 hour shifts) I peeked in the room. Her cats could get rambunctious and I heard something fall. I peeked in to check on them and was hit with the smell of cat urine. 

When I tried to find where the smell was coming from I was led to her laundry basket that was on her bed. She had her dirty clothes in the basket with one of my bath towels soaked in cat urine. 

I texted her to see if the cats had an accident and at first she said no. When I told her what I found, she asked why I was going through her dirty clothes. The towel was on top and it was clear that it was soaked with car urine. 

I moved her clothes basket out to the porch so the cats would not use it as a bathroom. Then I texted her to tell her where it was and that she needed to throw the towel out and not to use my bath towels to clean up cat pee. 

When she got home, she wouldn't even look at me. Every time she got upset, she would hide in her room and not eat with us, I called it her hunger strikes. About a month later she found an apartment in VA (we live in Maine). I felt bad at first, but this is not normal behavior and to leave a pee soaked towel is just gross.

I'm sorry you're going through that. It's so frustrating to have SKs that think these are normal behaviors. I felt like I was taking crazy pills the whole time she lived here with those cats. 

Hastings's picture

Very interesting - and frustrating!

You could be right. According to DH, BM is a bit of a slob. And she has three cars and four dogs in a not very clean house (despite having a cleaning lady a couple of days a week). He could very well have seen her wipe up a mess with a towel -- though I doubt even she would just leave it on the floor.

Regardless, we've talked I him about how to clean things up. And if you can't do it or need help, ask. You won't get in trouble for an accident.

Whatever. He lies constantly. BM's attitude is "so? Everybody lies."

Last semester he struggled with doing the work and keeping up, so they let him drop down out of advanced classes with the understanding it would be As and Bs with no missed assignments. It's happening again. And there isn't a "the work is too hard" excuse now.

He had a science project due a month ago. DH bought poster board for it, asked him about it. He said he'd turned it in. BM said he told her he turned it in. Well, DH was checking grades and he got a zero on it. He wrote to the teacher and she confirmed he never turned it in.

The frustrating thing is nothing seems to do any good. It never changes. Regardless of what we do, all he has to do is hold out until he goes to BM's and he's all set. And then he can complain to her about how horrible and strict we are. She actually told DJH our house is a concentration camp (which I think is an incredibly insensitive/idiotic thing to say). We don't care what she thinks. Our house, our rules. Except that her attitude is making it that much harder to change SS's behaviors and attitude.

I just worry for his future. Last week, he struck out in baseball. We could see he was crying while walking back to the dugout. Our attitude was that the coach could deal with it, help him see that it happens and here's what you do differently next time. BM's dad got up and actually went into the dugout to hug and console him. (Would have embarrassed the heck out of me as a child.) He's coddled and infantilized by them and his inability to accept criticism or correction if any sort will never improve as long as he's babied every time he gets upset.

Cover1W's picture

I'll bet the cat was peeing on the towel because the litter box was too dirty. Or the cat was stressed. Less likely the cat was just peeing randomly. She probably left the slightly wet towel on the floor and the cat used it instead. Cats cooped up in a bedroom will not do well.

My girl kitty used to pee/mark cloth that was left on the floor, not a real pee but marker, as a sign, I think, of dominance. She was extremely attached to me and didn't like someone intruding on her territory. DH left his jacket on the floor one time too many (after I warned him) and ended up tossing it. And that cat did NOT like OSD from the start. She marked a blanket OSD had been using after OSD left it on the floor in the path to her food bowl (again, after I told her to move it) and then peed on a towel multiple times in the SDs bathroom (again, OSD left it on the floor and no one picked it up after god knows how long until OSD complained it smelled).  After the towel incident I started confiscating any towels left on their bathroom floor and not replacing them. 

Rags's picture

They are big into FFA and 4H. BIL1 is an Ag worker so is around animals all day every day.

A few weeks ago the animals being raised inside their house, there is always something being raised inside their house, was a trough of baby geese. Plus the usual half a dozen cats, and various other caged small animals.

It is all I can do not to gag out loud every time I enter their home.


For years they insisted on all IL clan gatherings being at their home. DW and I will only sit on dining room chairs in their home. We will not make contact with upholstered or carpeted surfaces in their home. Fortuneatly they ripped out the carpet years ago and now the floors are partially refinished hard woods instead of rancid wall to wall carpet permiated with animal waste and body byproducts.

Since my FIL & MIL bought their home about 10 years ago, gatherings are no longer at SIL1's.  We still avoid upholstered furniture, but there is no animal caused olfactory assaults in MIL's house.

Hastings's picture

I've never been in her house and DH has only been in her doorway, but every time we pick up SS, the stench is eye-watering. He has to drive with the moon roof open and leaves the windows down after we get home. BM smells that way too.

DH has a major cat allergy so he's even more sensitive to the odor. We actually had to pass a rule that no soft things (pillows, blankets, stuffed animals) are allowed to cross over. If he does bring something, it gets to live in the garage for the week.

Her front window blinds are shredded and DH says her entryway floors are scratched and torn up. She's a corporate attorney, so it's not like she can't afford to fix things...

Anyway, there's no doubt he goes to school stinking to high heaven on her weeks and I wouldn't be surprised if he's shunned/made fun of.

Rags's picture

Though at some point the kid owns his own hygiene.

My DW was raised on a pig farm.  Their home always had a base line of agricultural odors.  FIL worked at a large full containment dairy and farmed pigs on their home place.

Apparently my bride figured it out as a pre-teen and became extremely hygiene and laundry focused to ensure that she did not emit the same odiferous emanations as the rest of her family.  She is the eldest of 4.  My first visit to my IL's home before we married was mind boggling.

She appologised nearly incessently for a very long time after we flew back after that trip.  She had nothing to appologize for of course. But she was mortified by the state and smell of their family home, and her family.

Our middle two nieces reek.  Even by the not sweet smelling standards of their parents and elder sibs. DW's SIL has given up on their hygiene and lets them fester in their chosen stench.  They are old enough to be left home and rarely are allowed to accompany the family out in public.   Occassionally one of them will shower and put on clean clothes. Rarely are there pics of the two of them with the rest of the family. One or the other who cleans up, will make an occassional appearing in pics of family gatherings.

Hastings's picture

True. I'm not sure he cares or realizes it. After all, he was willing and able to sleep and hang out in a urine-scented room...