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BM is moving out of State

HappyCow's picture

SD16 informs us that BM and her herd are going to be moving out of state to Indiana once she graduates from high school. I took all I had not to pull over the car and do cartwheels down the interstate in celebration.

I wonder who is going to clean out the trailer, take the goats, the 25 trailer raised tilapia she has been keeping in the trailer (with the intent to sell them of course), and the 3 cars currently on cinder blocks in the front driveway?

I would like to extend my apologies to those of you who live in Indiana.


AllySkoo's picture

Tilapia? The fish?? How the hell do you even raise them in a trailer, wouldn't you need more room for a tank? And why bother? I can get one in the grocery store ready to eat for like $5... :?

Tuff Noogies's picture

my condolences, rutherford....

she sounds like a winner, H.C.!!! maybe you didnt do cartwheels, but i'd bet my ass you danced with the steering wheel!

Jsmom's picture

Don't buy it. I was told the same thing by SS a year ago and the bitch is still there....I will believe it when she has a moving truck and stops all visits with SS.

HappyCow's picture

Years ago she decided that she was going to raise and sell tilapia from her trailer. Someone that she met at a flea market sold her a few fish to start with. They are in two huge fish tanks in the living room area. BM being incredibly lazy has never actually done anything with these giant sad creatures. I have seen the tanks for myself and it really a sight to see.

They also were going to bred and sell goats and thier milk. Now they just have these sad looking goats wondering behind the trailer.

I am pretty sure someone has called animal control about them because now they have a shed to stay in when it's cold outside.

Poor animals.

HappyCow's picture

I tried to contain my glee at the prospect of her and the clan moving. BM is the most unorganized person on the planet. I would be shocked if they moved before DH and I retire at the beach in 15 years. It is going to take them that long just to clean out the entire trailer. The best part is BM thinks they are going to make a killing on their trailer when they sell it. News flash-no one in their town is going to want a trailer with holes in the floor and a leaky roof. The best part is that behind the trailer they tried to build a pond for the talipia but apparently the ground was too soggy so now they have this giant mud pit in the backyard that occasionally a goat falls into. We are not talking about a huge plot of land. I think it's a 1/2 an acre max.

tiny kitten's picture

"so now they have this giant mud pit in the backyard that occasionally a goat falls into."
OMG. I laughed so hard that my SO became quite offended. I'm still giggling!

DaizyDuke's picture

These 25 fish are in the same trailer that she resides in?? I can only imagine what it must smell like in there... ack!

AllySkoo's picture

I'm doing the giggle-snort at work, trying desperately to be quiet! I think I bruised a rib trying to hold it in....

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I wasn't a great fan of tilapia to begin with, BUT...I'm never eating it again!!! :sick:

kathc's picture

I was holding it in until I read about goats falling into the mud pit.


Sadly, do not get your hopes up yet. The trashier the BM (and, yes, this one sounds pretty trashy) the less likely they are to actually move away. As others have said, she won't be able to get her shit together to do it.

Stay positive but don't buy the champagne just yet.

misSTEP's picture

I least...she isn't raising them in the bathtub or something. Otherwise... :jawdrop:

tryingmom's picture

I just have to say....absolutely hilarious!!! I am never going to keep a straight face when anyone around me orders tilapia again!!!