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You wanted more custody, but now you don't get to see your kids at all!! VENT- AND LANGUAGE

hangingbyathread6's picture

So fucking pissed off...just pissed. All the BS my exH pulled this last four months wanting 50/50 custody so he wouldn't have to pay CS, but is never home when the kids are there for visitation anyway, and now they can't be there without him home and what does he do??? Takes shifts all weekend on his weekend.

After the pot smoking that was going on in his house by the gf's daughter our kids are not to be at his home unless he IS there. This weekend, when they were to be with me, he worked one, ONE night all weekend. His weekend is this weekend...he's working ALL FUCKING WEEKEND!! So the kids won't be there. The gf and him are still together and her and her kids are still living there. They showed up at my BD's hockey game yesterday evening (the second time they have come all winter) together and were all cozy in the bleachers, but his weekend with his kids are coming up and he won't be there. He knows the kids can't be there. She knows the kids can't be there. She sent me an entire biography of text messages ONE week ago, sying she's moving out and that ex is a cheat and a liar (see previous blogs) thinking for some reason I give a shit about their relationship, but she's still there, and he's doing nothing about the issues so the kids don't get to spend time with their dad. But yeah, you wanted more time so you could spend time with your kids. Such a fucking douchebag.

Guess it's safe to say he's still thinking with the wrong fucking head.


Sports Fan's picture

Is he actually choosing the shifts or does his employer just tell him he has to work? Not defending him, just wondering. My exH's schedule used to change all the time and he didn't have a choice. I know where I work the union workers get called in and have to work or get in trouble.

hangingbyathread6's picture

He's a teacher, but moonlights as a bartender at night. This past weekend he didn't work...because there was tension at his house as his gf and her kids were moving out. Now apparently that has been resolved so he's picking up the entire weekend this weekend when he's supposed to have the kids. Usually he works two nights of every weekend, and it's a small family owned business and he testified in court that his employer would work with him around his custody schedule. Well he's not having that done.

hangingbyathread6's picture

We did go to court. The judge ruled against him and custody did not change. He did get a modification of CS and it was significantly lowered. He tells the kids shit all the time though, and now with the gf's drug using daughter our kids can't be there, so he's not seeing them, and my weekends that I would plan to spend with my DH out of town can't happen either. He is continuously shirking his responsibilities while crying poor pitiful me to everyone, including our kids. Tired of it.

hangingbyathread6's picture

Oh that's right Ipeed!!! I forgot, that's not what this site is for!!!My apologies!!

AllySkoo's picture

Wait, Ipeed, I'm confused.... I thought that now that Hanging has done that, YOUR job was to create a fake account so you could come here and ramble off some incoherent bullshit while claiming everyone loves you. No? Is that not how this works now?

hangingbyathread6's picture

So since he's working, I texted and said okay so you can drop off the kids before you go to work then. He said, "No. They will be fine at my house" No, NO they won't!!!

I responded "you know they aren't supposed to be there if you're not. You had me call the police and file a complaint. I had to report that to the FOC. FOCMGR said that as long as you are cooperating we don't have to go into see her and in front of the judge. I will have to get a temporary emergency order keeping you from the kids. I'd rather not do that."

his response? CRICKETS. Nothing. NOT A WORD