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What was I thinking?

h7's picture

I was considering dating a guy that had 2 kids. Like I have the patience for that. I've lived on my own for nearly seven years, & right now I'm staying with my folks. You have to consider that it's my mother, grandmother & step dad. Now I've had some differences with my parents, but it's my grandmother that is driving me crazy. I feel awful, because this is my grandmother, but the woman is nuts! She plays games with people heads, she competes with my mother about cooking, she stays up my rear end when I'm in the kitchen, & she barges into the bathroom when I'm using it, violating that tiny bit of personal space I have.

And I thought I might be able to handle kids & ex's? Puh!


Sasha's picture

I know this may be a personal question, but why are you living with your folks? It kind of sounds like you are trying to make a choice between living with them or moving in with a guy who has kids. Why not go out on your own?

h7's picture

You're going too fast!! I just moved back to my home town & started a job. I already have a place of my own, but there was a fire near my old apartment before I could move my stuff over & it suffered smoke damage. There is a company that is cleaning it for me & will be moving it over this week. In the meantime I am staying with my parents so I can have a decent place to sleep & eat.
As far as the guy, I just met him. It wasn't anything deep yet & I was kind of unsure if it's what I really wanted to get into. With everything as it is in my life right now, I don't know if I need any extra drama. But I guess it doesn't matter since he found out I make more money than he does & he blew me off. It's probably for the best.

Colorado Girl's picture

No, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't NOT date him just because of his kids. Just proceed with caution if you know what I mean. Not all blended families live in such conditions as some of us here.

On another note, I'm so glad you're here. It's nice to have your different outlook from the stepchild perspective. It's actually quite helpful, especially your comments on the "fibbing" you did as a child to not anger your stepdad. I have had a little bit of issue with that with my bio son and your comment was very insightful.

h7's picture

Well I'm really really glad I could help. I was wondering what I was doing here today, but if I could help anyone I'm glad to.

Mary's picture

MOVE OUT, simple as that! Don't compare boyfriend's children with Grandma. BUT, I married a man with grown daughter (27, 29) I thought it would be easier since they were older. WRONG! It does take extra work to wed a man with children. I guess it all falls back to how much do you love him!

h7's picture

My point was that I needed patience really. It wasn't about grandma or kids as much as it was about me. I've lived alone way too long. I'm used to having everything my way. It was nice.

BTW - Friday I move out. I'll get all my stuff! Yay!!!