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Happy Easter all!! Now, let me moan about it lol.. BM/ Kleptomania strikes again

GizmoBarnOwl's picture

Saturday, The (S)KIDS were all off the wall on sat - mine included. They were all hyper excited about easter. Fair enough. They were driving me MENTAL!!! Luckily BD8 and I were only staying for an hour or so to drop the SKIDS eggs off at SO's. We went out for the day and had a lovely (SKID FREE) afternoon.

But we did come back to SO's late afternoon because he had made enough dinner for all 3 kids as we were going out for dinner that eve. Thats when things got interesting.

I have mentioned in a previous blog that I suspect SD8 is stealing. It is currently unproven but seems that she is the most likely canididate. So I dont want to outright accuse her because until I have proof, that would be unfair.

However, since christmas time we have lost, a mobile phone (missing while SO was out with the SKIDS), approx £50 in notes, missing at various times £10 here and there and £30 missing from SO's room along with my silver necklace.
3 pairs of sunglasses (one being mine, and in my car- never to be seen again after SO borrowed the car to take the SKIDS out)
At the same time as these, SO's wallet containing EVERYTHING - £30 or £40, bank cards (one being mine) drivers licence, work passes... You get the picture. It went into the car with the SKIDS and hasnt been seen again.

So anyway thats up to date.

While at SO's house on saturday, I was in the bath and overheard one of SO's housemates asking SO if he had had anything go missing. Strangely SO said he hadnt!!!!!!

This housemate then tells SO that he's noticed "only little things are missing" - although one of these "little things" is a £200 pair of sunglasses! Also a dog lead (random) and money, again £10 - £20 taken here and there. He told SO that he thought he might have left the glasses in his van parked in the driveway and also some of the money there. He wasnt sure if he had left the van unlocked or not but the other stuff was deffinately taken from his room, which is between SO's and the bathroom.

SO THEN tells the man that his wallet and my glasses were also taken from the car (which SO has left unlocked before - which I've told him im not happy about) He starts blaming the local travellers who have a site about a mile away from SO's house and often frequent the local pub about 100 yards up from the house.

Now it was SO who first mentioned that one of his children might have taken his phone / wallet. I had been thinking this for a while after other little things went missing and told him that I had had the same thought, and thought it might be SD8. Ofcourse then he gets defensive of his children and wont have it that it is a possibility, and that it could just as easily have been my daughter (who didnt have access to the things that went missing at the time - we were 30 miles away when the phone and the wallet etc went missing)But things have gone missing from my house too. (when the SKIDS have been here)

I've not really spoken to SO about this new information from the housemate, just mentioned in passing that I had heard the conversation.

Interesting though none the less.

That was that. The SKIDS went home at normal time, now comes the crazy....

SO takes the SKIDS to their house and knocks on the door. Its 7:30 on the dot, the usual time he has them home by and he hears music blaring from the front room and is left standing on the doorstep for a good 10 minutes before BM answers the door.

She then apparently spits at him "You better be VERY nice to me", SO stands back a bit and said in a loud clear voice (so the neighbours might hear) "Have you been drinking?" she then shoves the kids in the house and slams the door behind them.

He said she hadnt been drinking, she was just being mental. We have been waiting for business to return to normal since calling social services on her and since the mediators said that she should make more effort to be civil for the 5 mins she has to see him on a saturday.

She has been steadily getting worse over the last couple of months, with stupid texts and also telling SO that she didnt have a phone when he asked her to confirm the message he sent her about having the kids for a couple of days in the hols as he had taken time off. She then text him saying he could have them for half day on one day then all day the next... Erm... You just said you had no phone! - Odd.

Im not really sure what protocol is for these situations. I told him he should have called the police to check on the SKIDS if he thought she was drunk, but then he says that she wasnt, and he would then be charged for wasting police time. Fair enough.

I said he should call social services and say that he fears she is mentally unstable! But hes gone back to burrying his head in the sand again just like he did at christmas time when I nearly left him for his inaction to help the SKIDS.

What now? He has them tonight for a couple of hours. I wonder if she took it out on the SKIDS like she is prone to doing. If she did, he may not tell me because he knows I will hit the roof at him for not doing anything. If you know that somebody is not right in the head, would you hand your children over to them?? I know i wouldnt....
