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Mood changes.

Gia's picture

Last weekend I was looking fwd to SD being here and spending time with her. I didn't want her to leave on Monday and that got me sort-of-excited/predisposed for this summer, and spending time with her. I honestly was amazed at how close she felt like a daughter in my heart. It might sound silly, but it did. Now, THIS weekend, I just don't even want her around. The only difference is that she came here acting very down, like sad or something, I talked to her but she didn't say anything. It seems like she doesn't even want to be here, which I guess that changed my mood totally...

And i'm just super mad at some stuff that she has done, like change clothes when she feels a little hot (if it was up to her, she would change clothes 5 times a day) and we have talked to her about that. She is not going to change clothes for the sake of changing them every 2 hours, she doesn't do laundry. But she did it again, I told DH and all he said was "I agree..." but kept watching tv. So I had to go tell sd myself to put her other clothes back on, and have the convo again, and i wasn't very nice, I was waiting for DH to say something so i can say, "if you don't parent her, then i will" but that didn't happen, lol. Oh well...


1day@atime's picture

I made the mistake of stepping in a disciplinarian. Not a good choice. SS never learns. You have to ask yourself if you can can disengage, if not, if you can deal with the ups and downs.

Gia's picture

I don't have a big problem with that as DH is usually the main one, and SD usually behaves "ok". But today pissed me off....