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I think I just threw up in my mouth

Gabriels Mom's picture

Sea Donkey and her DH are one of those couples that have to post on FB how much they love each other at least 45863 times per day. I guess that's the minimum when you are in LOOOOOVE. I noticed some comments under the memorial day pictures SS is tagged in and while I had no intention of reading them because BM and her friends are stupid. Something caught my eye and I had to share.

So BM has a short name we'll say it's Cob. Her DH has a longer name and it can be shortened we'll say his name is Robert. SO they are now want to be referred to as Cob and Bob.:sick:

I'm surprised they haven't tried to blend their names like Brangelina.


Gabriels Mom's picture

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love the name ballless wonder.

It's been going on for 4 years now. It got worse after they got married a couple of years ago. And for the love of God can she please stop referring to people by their wedding roles? She calls her BFF maid of honor. OH and she still has the just married crap on the rear window of her truck.

Accordn2L's picture

BM quotes what her boyfriend Thug Life says as the gospel. If my SO asks BM something about his daughter, BM will reply and say, "Well Thug Life says".... It simply amazes me that these women can find someone else who will tolerate their craziness and in our case keep reproducing with her!