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Just Get Over It Already

frustrated-mom's picture

Seriously, SD15 has the most serious case of butthurt ever. She will never get over anything. She will never suck up anything and just move on. She has be the constantly victim and remind everyone of everything bad that has ever happened to her and make DH feel every guiltier over what he did or didn't do when she was little.

It's been nearly 10 years since BM lost custody but SD will never let anyone forget. She's been constantly in therapy and she will be in therapy for the rest of her life.

She whines that her BM "physically abused her" but that was getting spanked with a belt and slapped across the face. Knowing how that girl runs her mouth, my parents would have done the exactly same thing. But you don't see me crying about horrible my parents were. They raised upstanding kids who did what they were told and obey authority figures. If you don't listen, kids should know they are going to get hit. That's the way you raise children properly.

But no, SD is special and delicate and her feelings will constantly be hurt by how horrible it is that her mother abandoned her and her dad put his career and his real family before her (SD was the result of a stupid drunken hookup when DH was 18).

Most kids these days parents are divorced or not together. But the fact that her parents didn't love each other, never have and never will and DH regrets that she wasn't given up for adoption she will never let it go.

There are a lot of kids in worse situations than her but they suck it up and move on. She never will and she is dragging DH down with her. There's no reason she needed to tell DH any of things she did about what happened she was living with BM. She barely remembers it anyways and a lot of it is things her half-siblings have told her. What's the point in digging any of that up all that time. And any time she's pissed at DH, she loves telling him things that she knows will upset him about what happened when she was little.

The way people used to deal with these situations was to just never talk abut it, act like it didn't happen and go on. I have a great-uncle that served in WWII in the South Pacific, saw and did horrible things and came home and moved on with his life. He was incredibly successful, raised a family and didn't let what happened impact the rest of his life. SD will be 50 and still be butthurt over what happened when she was 6.

Now, moving on is unacceptable. SD is allowed to demand that everyone accommodate her, do what she wants and treat her like she's special because bad things happened to her when she was 6. She acts like it's the worse thing in the world having to move to our state and be separated from her half-siblings when they are adults and most kids go their separate ways at that age. The insane level of separation anxiety she has from her half-sister is ridiculous.

No therapist will tell her to just f'ing let it go and move on.

I just would love to rage at her to: accept that your dad made mistakes. Accept that your BM is a pathetic human being who shouldn't have had children, accept that your behavior is the reason for destroying my family, accept that you are a child that needs to do as your father tells you to do. But she will never get over how butthurt she is that she doesn't have what other kids have and that her parents clearly have higher priorities than her.

I never thought that I was the most important person in my parents lives. They had 5 kids. My dad was too busy to go to my school events and even if he was out drinking after work, I didn't get bent out of shape about it. Now kids go crying "Daddy doesn't love me because he missed my soccer practice". The world is going to crap with these kids who think the world revolves around them.

And the brats like SD won't let it be any other way. She dictates to her dad the terms of their relationship. She won't ever forgive DH and just let him move on. She has to keep dragging him down with him.


Anon2009's picture

If she was pretty much raised around her older siblings, I can understand why she'd have separation anxiety from them, especially when moving in with people she really didn't know. I can understand why she wouldn't want to do as some guy who's practically a stranger tells her to do.

I think you need to take the energy you devote towards focusing on the skids, especially SD, and channel it toward your BS, and doing things with him. Let SD live her own life. Maybe she's happier around her older brother and sister because she's been around them much more.

You don't just let go of/get over something like sexual abuse. Maybe she dwells on it a little too much, but it is something that has been proven to affect everyone afflicted by it in one way or another for the rest of their lives. I know adults who've suffered it as kids and still have trust issues and nightmares to this day.

I say surrender the situation with SD over to any higher power you believe in. If you're religious, pray for her. Like the saying goes, kill 'em with kindness. And take the energy you were channeling onto her and your SSs and use that to drive you to focus more on BS, and helping him.

frustrated-mom's picture

I would love to be able to channel my energy into something far more productive, like my son. I hate the amount of time I've wasted dealing with SD and I agree she is far happier with her half-siblings. Unfortunately, DH won't give up on the idea on her living her and being a full-time part of her life go.

Everyone would be happier if he would just do that. Even him, but he just won't admit it.

Most Evil's picture

OP, I see your points! Some could be slightly more politically correct, but I agree on just about everything.!

I too was in a large family with many siblings, got spanked and hit when I misbehaved, and agree that kids today expect a level of attention that is to me unhealthy.

Kids are given way too much power in relationships like this imo. So I hear ya-!!!!!