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Oh great...

EvilAngel's picture

Thunderfoot got an A on a geometry quiz today. I wonder what elaborate gift she will ask daddy dearest for when he gets home. I hope it's a pony!


Glassslipper's picture

Every time the kids or skids ask for something DH blurts out:
DS responds with : you need a nap!

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

All hail Princess Thunderfoot reigning ruler of "what in the world does grounded mean?" WE kneel and worship and your mediocre cartoon drawings

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I've been looking at your new profile pic all day thinking about my TPS reports and the cover , "Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore"

Glassslipper's picture

Lmao, the kids always say:
This one time,
And me and DH say:
At band camp?

EvilAngel's picture

She def rants something because she NEVER walks DHs dog or comes outside. She's been out here 3 times in an hour and walked the dog.

dood's picture

HAHA! Ding, ding, ding! You TOO win a Unicorn farting rainbows and the festival of lights parade!

Yep that's it... The Jerk!

EvilAngel's picture

She's got an awesome case of back acne. There are so many things I could choose to bring those alligator tears. It's just too easy with her. She has really thin AWFUL hair that she parts at a severe angle on one side of her head. Trying to me emo I guess. She has a hook nose and tiny beady eyes. I am not just being mean either...the child got NONE of DH's looks.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

well my SD15 is beautiful. Very beautiful. She went from frumpy with her hair parted in the middle and thick glasses and braces to a tall thin beauty and now I have to hear all the time, "se's so pretty. She's so beautiful." She's failing. makes bad grades. Has bad behavior. Is mean as a snake but its okay because she's just so pretty. UGH! The thing is she's mean to ugly people too. "Like I totally cut all the ugly girls in the lunch line now." She hates it that the only pics I have of her in my house are the ones with her glasses and braces and hair parted down the middle. "Take those down!" I say, "nope."

EvilAngel's picture

I don't think Thunderfoot is ever going to be a beauty. I've seen pictures of her BM and she looks JUST like her. MY exSD was beautiful and she knew it and she was an asshole.

EvilAngel's picture

Oh she couldn't even wait for him to get home...she called him to tell him. God she's annoying....

EvilAngel's picture

Thunderfoot loves praise and attention. If she gets a good grade she wants it to be known because she expects gifts and rewards. The last test she got a low B on ... The lowest you can get actually. She thought she deserved a trip to the movies.

EvilAngel's picture

I don't know if she asked for anything or not. She cornered him in the garage again but I didn't even go out there.

EvilAngel's picture

I can't even muster up the energy to talk to her. I really just can't stand her at all. She knows something is wrong with me and DH though. At least she's THAT smart. She asked me what was wrong and then gave him a hug after dinner...all the while making this meow sound that she does all the time. Just another thing that drives me insane.