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SD, BM and that entire family are just so ignorant

Elizabeth's picture

So I guess SD19 broke it to BM's mother (the person she's closest to on that side of the family) that she is dating loser boyfriend 26 with at least six kids with at least three women. I mentioned before he is black, and now you'll understand why. BM's family has always been racist and told SD she is NOT to date anybody black. Of course she immediately goes out and jumps into bed with every black guy she finds (I'm exaggerating, but you know what I mean).

SD tweets about how BM's mother asked how black SD's boyfriend is, whether he's light black or berry black. Seriously? This leads me to believe that the fact he is black is the ONLY thing SD has revealed to them.

Then, being a total hypocrite, SD is tweeting about a woman she saw who pushed the handicapped button instead of opening a door, with SD talking about how ridiculous and lazy that woman is. So a friend of hers tweets about how she knows and has seen SD use BM's mother's handcapped tags. Evidently SD19 has those IN her car. And SD tweets back about how those two situations are completely different. Um, sure.


Disneyfan's picture

I've been black for 45 years and I have never heard of berry black.

I assume light black is better than berry black. :sick:

BM sounds like an asshat.

BSgoinon's picture

>>>I've been black for 45 years and I have never heard of berry black.

You made me laugh with this. You mean your skin didn't change colors when you became an adult?

I had a friend a LONG time ago that would talk about a childhood friend of his. Every time he would tell a story it would start with "I had this friend **NAME** he was black..." Every single time I would reply "Oh Yeah? He isn't black anymore?". I never understood why it mattered what color he is. But it always made me laugh when he said "he WAS".

Elizabeth's picture

I have no idea, and you you interpreted correctly that BM' mother is grasping at straws to somehow make it "better" or "acceptable" based on her prejudices that SD19 is dating a black man. I want to shake her and say, "Who cares? The man has at least six kids with at least three women. Shouldn't THAT be what bothers you about him?" And for the record, it is BM's mother who is saying/acting like this.

oldone's picture

One of my cousins who is black HATES white women who only want to date black guys. He says that it is racist. Nothing pisses him off more than to be a hunk of "black meat" to these women. He's a highly educated (Ivy law school) and says he is so much more than his color.