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Baby DD (now 1) doesn't like cake!

doll faced sm's picture

I have never met a baby or heard of a baby who doesn't like cake! BabyDD just turned one; we were out of town at a family reunion during her b-day. My cousin bought DD1 a cake which was very sweet of her, but DD1 had already eaten a *ton* of food by the time the cake was brought out. When she only took one bite of it, I wasn't really suprised; I just figured she was full.

Today, we celebrated her b-day at home. All we did for food was burgers and veggie burgers on the grill w/ chips. She didn't eat much, so I was so hoping she'd just dive into her cake. Nope! I put a bite in her mouth, and she spit it out. I tried againg, and she wouldn't even open her mouth. Instead, she turned her head and did this raspberry sptting thing. It was hilarious and kinda sad all at the same time since I wanted to take pics of her smashing into her mini cake and covered in frosting. Oh well; I'll count my blessings that I have a baby who loves fruits, veggies, and water and hates cake.

To make things more fun, she started walking today! Smile


tweetybird74's picture

It may be the icing she does not like. My niece did this on her first birthday. We put the cake in front of her, she would not touch it and when she finally did eat some she spit it out. We gave her some without icing and she loved it, so 12 years later and she still scraps the icing off her cake, which is great for me cause I get extra icing.

doll faced sm's picture

Good point. She likes muffins, so this is probably what it is.

Lalena75's picture

I'm picky about icing and yep I scrape off the icing myself on some cakes so that could very likely be the problem.

texstep's picture

I agree that it's probably the icing. Ive had several kids through the years in my pre-k classes that haaaate icing because it's just too sweet for them

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Wow, that's the first one other than me I've heard who doesn't like cake. For as long as I can remember, I can't eat cake.

It gives me headaches and makes me nauseous. After my 5th birthday I begged and cried for my parents not to give me cake anymore (out of respect for my guests, I had to eat a slice every birthday which were horrible.)

I was okay with pies though. My problem may be her problem. On a larger scale, until I reached puberty, I could not eat anything fried or with oil or with animal fat (hated bacon, couldn't eat pork, chicken skin etc) which I find out later may have been because of my liver. I grew out of that though.

I still can't eat cake (which sucked for MIL because her