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Selfy stick

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

So I am thinking back to the time I started to dislike my   Sd and it was round about the time she requested a selfy stick. After about a year of her being ‘me me me’ sd was 21 at the time. We both said no to the request, but I couldn’t help but feel she was getting a tad ‘superficial’. There’s nothing wrong with a pretty picture or two but some people just get obsessed. I know this is normal behaviour (apparently) and some of you are going to slate me for being judgemental which is fair enough. I just can’t help thinking why aren’t normal pictures enough for this generation and why the whole duck face thing? Are they really going to meet nice men to go out with posting duck face photos etc. I just don’t get it. Maybe I should get with the times a bit. Blum 3


shamds's picture

and my vision went straight to those youtube videos of a guy snapping selfie sticks with special scissors when couples are taking selfies and he runs off. It was because he hates selfie sticks and how people are all me me me with selfies and wefies

ESMOD's picture

I don't know why a 21 yo needed permission to get a selfie stick?  They are not that expensive.. if she wanted one.. she should have gotten one.  Most kids that age are fairly self centric and self absorbed.  Image is often valued over substance.  The validation these kids get from "likes" makes them feel valued.

It's what it is.. and honestly.. there are usually much worse things to worry about instead of just being concerned that they aren't "deep"

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

She wanted 'papa' to buy it for her because she was a bit low on cash i believe.  - DH said no.  I was making an idle comment on one of the initial reasons i struggled to bond with her.  But it goes alot beyond that obviously.  Also, there is 'self absorbed' and taking self absorbed to a whole new level.  But I would agree that this day and age it's all about 'likes'.  Mobile phones had only just been created when i was that age 0-o so i am a bit of a stick in the mud i guess.

ESMOD's picture

Ahh.. you are still so very young.  They didn't even have pagers when I was born.. lol.  Just land lines... with dials.. do they even say "dial a phone number' any more?

BTW.. I did buy myself a selfie stick.. but really haven't gotten around to using it.  I do the occasional selfie... but no where near my stepdaughters who post multiple pics a week..haha.