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7 year old wants an iPhone8

Jcksjj's picture

SD nearly 8 had to write a persuasive letter at school. She wrote one to her mom about why she needs an iPhone 8. One reason was to take this normal now in second grade?! Or is it a result of her moms obsession with posting pictures of herself online for attention?


fourbrats's picture

unfortunately normal. My niece was given a very nice smart phone before her 8th birthday. My students (K-8) mostly have nice phones, usually Iphones beginning in 2nd or 3rd grade and I don't work at a wealthy school. They take selfies, have Snap Chat etc. My 15 year old has an older IPhone and she was just allowed Snap Chat 6 months ago lol! 

Jcksjj's picture

It seems kind of sad? Like that's the only thing shes really interested in is living virtually already and it kind of seems like that means missing out on alot of other childhood interests. Maybe I'm just old now, idk.

fourbrats's picture

and I spend a lot of time at work demanding that children put their phones away or taking phones from the middle schools kids. Even my own (who had to wait and still have older phones) are just on their phones too much. I am on my phone a lot but I also work a second job where using my phone is a requirement (I am an internet assessor) and that is typically what I am doing. 

I would get her art supplies, crafting supplies, books, STEM projects, Legos etc. Things that encourage creativity and learning . Not as a punishment of course but those are age appropriate gifts and things. I was pretty disgusted when my niece was handed her phone. 

Jcksjj's picture

She actually has alot of those types of things and never touches them. I'm leaving it up to DH to choose to enforce that. Surprisingly she's currently getting above average grades so she must still be learning but it just doesnt seem like its healthy still to be on the tablet every hour shes not in school.

ndc's picture

LOL.  Kids taking selfies is not unusual, although I don't think there are many parents buying an iPhone 8 for a 7 year old.  It's certainly not on my list of things to do.  I occasionally find selfies of SD3 on my phone - usually not flattering ones.  I recently got a new phone and SD6 has my old iPhone (with no cellular service) and one of her uses for it is taking pictures, some of them selfies.  With all the selfies and social media, I think we've become rather self-absorbed.

Jcksjj's picture

Haha yeah, my DS also took tons of pictures of himself on his iPad when he was younger also because the filters and things were interesting. Taken into context with the rest of the paper though it was definitely a more preening/attention seeking, what I thought was teen behavior type thing though then just for fun. I guess I just didnt realize that type of thing started so young. I think I'm also somewhat paranoid because of what BM is like and I dont care to deal with that.

sunshinex's picture

My SD is 7 and I don't think she'd ever think to ask for an iPhone or any other technological thing lol I can't see her caring about that for another couple of years at least. She's into toys and barely cares about clothing/girly stuff yet. Still a kid. 

sunshinex's picture

Ha, BM sure tries to ruin it though. She goes there in the summer and plays video games all night, gets a tablet to play games on, etc. She literally does anything/gives her anything to keep her out of her hair. She gets home and we remind her that there's no face in a screen all day here. She gets 30 minutes of video game time once a week or so IF her room is clean/grades are good. lol. 

ETA she also gets all sorts of fun time like trips to the zoo, indoor playground, etc. if her room is clean/grades are good! We just limit the technology portion. 



Jcksjj's picture

My son is the same. I dont even usually have to tell him that's enough with electronics because he will go to drawing or playing outside or something on his own. Part of why I was confused if its normal for their age - hes fairly oblivious not necessarily to electronics but to the social aspect of it.

Monkeysee's picture

This is so sad. I don’t care if it’s the norm now for kids to have phones, they don’t need them, nor are the responsible or mature enough to handle that kind of access to the internet.

One of my SS’s was asking for a phone a while ago & got shut down (thank god). He’s never on his own without an adult, ever, so why does he need a phone? His answer was so he could Snapchat his friends. His dad said instead of snap chatting them you can spend time with them in person. End of. 

Whats the world coming to where a kids desire to snap chat is a good enough reason to give them a bloody phone? Smh

Jcksjj's picture

Well its definitely not happening here and luckily I dont see BM buying one because of the cost - not that she cares about the other reasons. I wouldnt be surprised if GBM did though and footed the monthly bill.

Jcksjj's picture

Yeah...I mean I was thinking it started in like middle school though?? Early elementary just seems so young.

ESMOD's picture

I think it's a sign of the times to be honest.. I see parents giving their toddlers tablets and their phones to "occupy" them.  Kids see their parents with phones.. see their peers with phones. 

It's a little unfair to say "well, when we were that age".. because when I was in elementary school.. there weren't even personal  I believe I got MY first phone about 20 years ago.. so I was in my 30's...  And Smart Phones? only in the last 10 years or so.  I mean, they literally didn't exist in mainstream a whole lot longer than that.

When I was a kid, there were payphones everywhere.. and landlines.  Now?  I saw a payphone the other but it's rare. and most people I kow (except my 89 yo father) have ditched their landline.

But.. does that mean you cater to every whim and want?  No.. smartphones have a lot of uses.. but they can be misused as well.  7/8 is a little young for that kind of access I'm thinking. 

In the end, you will need to weigh these decisions based on a number of factors... 1.  is it REALLY normal and typical for kids to have them in that age range? 2.  Are you able to afford this? 3.  Is the kid mature enough?

TBH.. a cell phone for a stepkid is nice because then the parents don't have to be involved in every phone conversation.

But ultimately, this is a decision that is individual to each child/household.

Jcksjj's picture

I've been guilty of the giving the tablet for distraction on occasion. I actually have only seen one kid using a cell phone ever after school at their school which is K through 5 though and it definitely wasnt a smart phone so I guess I was kind of surprised and thinking it was more from watching BM. BM is like a teenager with that stuff - daily selfies, videos etc on instagram. For our situation I definitely dont think cell phones are warranted yet and when they are it will probably be starting with more basic for emergencies. My feeling is that they need to earn the more expensive things if they want them so they understand the value of it.

STaround's picture

And I think any writing exercise is good.  I know when my now teen wrote a letter to Santa when she was 6, she included "sellyour" phone.  So funny.

It is OK for kids to ask, it is how parents handle that counts, imho.  And no, she did not get a phone