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Pee on the seat!! Ew!

cookiez24's picture

Fellow stepmoms you are going to LOVE this!!!

So SD10 can't use the toilet properly. She always leaves a drip or two on the seat! So gross. I have brought this up to DH numerous times and he actually had the balls to tell me that I occasionally do this too!! Ya right..... I just happen to do it on the days/weeks that she is in the house!!
So I stopped cleaning it up. We have two bathrooms and I will actually run upstairs to use the other bathroom to avoid cleaning the mess. I leave it for DH!! LOL

So last night there were like 6 drops on the seat, lid up and pee on the floor!! So gross! I went downstairs where SD and DH were watching tv. I kindly asked her if she happened to use the upstairs bathroom recently. She said Yes. So I told both of them to please make sure the toilet is cleaned before bed!! SD came upstairs 20 min later in a huff because she had to go to bed, so DH actually cleaned up the mess!!


Tuff Noogies's picture


Glassslipper's picture

LMAO, Glad he cleaned it up, as he should!

SD did this when she was 8.

I never said anything, I got lucky and didn't need to...the older kids, SS, DS, DD talked about it and gave her a rough time about it, not too bad, just enough to get the behavior corrected.
SS: I know "SD" went to the bathroom before me! guess how I know?
DD: There was piss all over the seat?
SS: YEA! how did you guess
DS: Dah because she always pisses all over the seat.

A month later it stopped...I still got to scrub all the piss out of the grout of the tiles though...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You don't want to know what I did to PrincASS15 when he decided that it was okay to leave urine and spit loogies all over the toilet.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Why, I wiped it up with his pillowcase! I really doubt he'll mind since he has absolutely NO problem leaving his pillow on the dog's bed or wiping dog hair off the food he dropped and eating it. I DO clean, but when you drop stuff on the dog's pillow, it is bound to have dog hair on it.

DaizyDuke's picture

Ew... and if he's anything like SD17 he probably hasn't washed his sheets or pillow case in 2 decades.... how can they even stand themselves????? Gross!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

The dog sneezed on his pillow - and his face - and he did NOTHING. Wiped off his face with his t-shirt and kept right on. If that had happened to me, I'd be in the bathroom to wash my face so fast, the dog would be spinning!