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Bratty McBratFace is 'not doing well' in post-bacc 2.0

caninelover's picture

Over this weekend, SO shared with me that Bratty had indicated in her texts that she is 'not doing well'.  She said she is relapsing from her prior bout with mono and is feeling 'overwhelmed' again.  

I think she is a couple of months into her post-bacc program and her test grades are likely not what she hoped, and it is probably triggering a bout of depression.  Which is when Bratty usually amps up all of her mysterious physical ailments.  I did ask SO if Bratty had ever been screened for ADHD (because I think she has trouble focusing, procrastinates, then falls behind or forgets things - which then spirals into not keeping up with her classwork) and SO said no but then of course disagreed that she needed that.  OK, sure, whatever SO.  Put your head back in the sand now and I'll go back to disengaging.  At least he did agree that med school was probably beyond Bratty's capabilities so he is starting to see the light a little bit.  And at least I was able to put that out there, and it did not result in an argument between us.  We went on and enjoyed the evening together.

I was hoping that Bratty would finish out the year-long program but now I'm wondering if she won't abandon the post-bacc 2.0 altogether at the end of this semester.  She is paying for post-bacc 2.0 herself and I doubt she wants to pay for a 2nd semester if her grades aren't very good.

Is this the end of Bratty's doctor dreams?  Will she go back to her medical assistant job?  Where is her Nutter GF lately?  What about the lease in her communal house?  How is the poor dog, is it still alive?  So many questions left unanswered...


JRI's picture

Somehow, we knew it would probably not work.  I'm glad she's paying for it, that will help her make a rational decision sooner than otherwise.

caninelover's picture

But then the aftermath will likely not be pretty since Bratty's narcissistic personality will not cope well with such a public failure.

Kaylee's picture

Don't worry, it will be everyone else's fault when she fails, lol (sarcasm)

It'll be the tutors for being assholes and useless at their jobs.

It'll be yours and your partners for not supporting her 

It'll be the GF's for not supporting her either 

It'll be everyone, but her. You know? 

That's exactly the lines my ex SD used to spin.



caninelover's picture

Bratty's Greatest Hits of Excuses.  So far we've only heard the mono but I'm sure the others will come out over the next few weeks.  Especially that it is SO and my fault for not supporting her.

caninelover's picture

The dog is an innocent victim in this giant bowl of crazy soup.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I don't know much about ADHD, but I do know that a lot of CODs don't get the same level of consistent parenting that kids in intact families do. Did Bratty's parents actually teach how how to study, or spend time building up her attention span? My DH's kids lacked in both.

caninelover's picture

Darth Vader (BM) tried to set rules like no devices after dinner to improve focused study time but Bratty wouldn't follow them.  

SO had no rules really and left Bratty to manage herself.  Her grades were good in non STEM subjects so he doesn't think it's an issue.   Even in her non STEM classes Bratty would tend to fall behind and ask for extensions, etc to turn in work.  Too much procrastinating and then trying to cram at the last minute.  Also very easily distracted even when she did study (internet, phone, etc).  But not my circus, not my adult monkey...

tog redux's picture

Bratty is not capable of becoming a doctor, I'm not sure why Post Bacc 1.0 didn't make that clear to her. 

She might be able to be Physician's Assistant, which is less challenging. But it seems like it's status she's after, not a career in the medical field.

I'm sure my SS21 has ADHD but somehow with all the therapists he's had, it was never diagnosed (I don't think). I'm pretty sure my DH has it as well. 

caninelover's picture

Bratty is not capable of learning from her mistakes.

Her failure in post bacc 1.0 was due to the program being non-inclusive.

This time it will be her mono, etc.

It is never her fault.  She never makes bad decisions.  She is always the victim, like any good narcissist would be.

caninelover's picture

The professors at post-bacc 2.0 are probably already sick of her moaning and groaning.  So they are probably not making any special exceptions for her, though I'm sure she keeps asking for them.

caninelover's picture

Yes that's the one bright side to all this!

caninelover's picture

I don't think she has good enough grades to get into a PA program either.  She may already have enough pre-reqs to enter an RN program.  Though whether she is capable of completing it or not is a different question.

thinkthrice's picture

Just plain shocked that BMBF is not doing well post bacc.  


caninelover's picture

I guess Physics will always and forever be her nemesis.