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WEEKEND DILEMA..... MIL has the big "70" birthday, there is a wedding AND I was asked to go on a girls trip....

buterfly_2011's picture

I need some 411 from the ladies here....

My friend asked me to go on a girls day with her this coming Saturday. She asked me two weeks ago. This week we discovered that a girl SD17 went to school with was given two weeks to live (she has an aggressive cancer that has spread everywhere). Her wish was to marry her high school sweetheart so everyone in the community pulled through and are giving her her dream wedding. Such a great place we live in. SD17 has had no contact with this young lady for about 3 years. SO has kept in touch with her and her parents and we were sent an invite for this Saturday in the evening for this wedding. ALSO this week we were informed of the surprise party that is being thrown for MIL for her 70th birthday which is also on that day. I felt that I should attend the birthday party for MIL, because I know she would be hurt if I had chosen to go with friends to a water park instead. So ONCE again I bailed on my friends. WELL today at lunch SO tells me SD17 called him regarding the wedding, and was he going to ask her if she wanted to go bla bla bla. Well he told her I assumed you would come with me and your brothers yes. Then she got all huffy well when were you going to tell me etc. So basically SO is going to go to his mom's for a little while and then leave to take the skids to this big wedding (me not included in this)............

So I guess I am looking for some input from people who know how I feel about being excluded due to little bitches. Should I attend the party for MIL (my neice will be there and she just told me she is prego with twins and asked me to be her birthing coach) OR say screw it and go with my friends to the water park like I had originally planned before once again his family and his daughter decided to take up the weekend.



buterfly_2011's picture

SO has made it pretty clear that only he and skids are going to the wedding together. So I won't be attending any of that..... Just MIL 70th birthday or plans with my friend.

buterfly_2011's picture

because his daughter is going and the drama is assnine with her if I am any where near them while they are together. I don't want to ruin anybodys big day because this girl can't behave if I'm around.

purpledaisies's picture

Butterfly that is cop out. First daddy needs to set her straight and if she cant control herself then daddy shouldnt be going. He is letting her know that she gets what she wants by acting like that. This is her prob and your dh needs to be by you not his kid that is acting like a brat.

purpledaisies's picture

What is up with these guys that think it is ok to go to an event like this with out their wives??? If he were my dh hed be looking for another wife if he really expected me to go to his moms parry and leave me there while he goes to another event with just his kids. Id tell him that he had 2 choices 1 i go with him to both events or id go with my friends and he would be looking for a new wife.

Just expecting that i sit at his moms house while he goes some where else is wrong just plan wrong. Ask him how he would feel if you left him at her moms house and went someone where with out him and expected him to stay there. I be he wouldnt like it at all.

Delilah's picture

Butterfly ofcourse you don't wish to cause a scene for this poor girl, as this is her special day and even more so considering the really tragic circumstances of her situation. However it wouldnt be YOU causing the scene, that would be sd. You yourself stated that sd cannot behave around you!

This invite included you? You are SO partner and had arranged to already attend with him as such? So who the F*ck gave him the right to throw you over because little miss snooty pants decided to pull a power play, which btw worked?

Perhaps sd genuinely wants to attend this wedding because of her link with this girl and again considering the sad circumstances, BUT if she cannot behave herself then she foregoes the right to "insist" she attends. No one forces her to behave nastily towards you, she chooses that all by herself, aided and abetted by SO. You do realise don't you that nothing will EVER change because your SO enables her? Plus by you accepting the fact that SO treats you in this manner you in also enabling him to continue enabling sd?

I can see what a horrible situation you are in, its exhausting and its hurtful, not only to be disliked by sd by to be shoved aside by SO when he can't be bothered to address his DD's attitude problem with you. Parents need to realise that giving their kids what they need, not what they WANT, IS an expression of the deepest love possible because its selfless. Its easy for SO to take the less problematic option, he will justify till the cows come home...shes just a kid...its easier this didnt really want to go...

You hear this often enough on this forum, that many of our men needs to take back their mangina's from their ex's and kids, however in this case I genuinely think YOU need to consider if this how you are prepared to be treated for the rest of your life? You have every right to be considered and you need to stand up for yourself, because no other sod will. The best way to get this message across is to quit putting up with crap quietly. If SO is out of order, then quietly, calmly make him feel as small as he is acting. Realise you should not be shielding shit like this from his family/friends, so if you want to go to the wedding then go, but go by yourself or with friends. DO not sit near, make eye contact or engage with anything to do with SO and his children-you should not have to miss out because of miscreant. If you feel you cant do this, then go when you know they arent around, or alternatively go out with your friends and go ALL weekend. Not for revenge, but I wouldnt want to even see my SO after that. I would get some physical and emotional space to consider my options, plan and make some decisions. Having been there, I know I came to a point where I realised that no matter how much I sacrificed it would never end, be good enough as someone would always be attacking me from OH's side of the family/his ex/his kid. So I started to put me first without a bit of remorse, I knocked some sense into me as I realised that was exactly what my SO had been doing all along. Prioritising everyone except me. So if the shoes fits, then I was going to have a go, as I if things were going to fall apart then it would be on my terms.

p.s. Got to say you know its NOT okay, for SM's/SF's to be used and abused all because there are "children" involved. Their happiness and welfare does not negate everyone elses, that is a warped and unhealthy view. If a parent believes this, then I would say do the dating population a favour and stay single. You are entitled to think this way, even though personally I think its damaging for children to be brought up in an environment with no consequences, no consideration or thought for anyone else, but its horrendous when innocent bystanders get dragged unwillingly into that. JIMPO.

stepmisery's picture

Your friend should understand about the girls trip being rescheduled for another day. These are big, one time events that you need to attend.

Go to MIL's.

As for the wedding.... well.. your SO seems determined to let SD run the show. Aren't you the one that SS was in the hospital several hours away and SO went there but you weren't allowed to go because SD threw a fit about it? (May have you confused with another poster, if so, sorry.)

I really think for this wedding SD just needs to suck it up and deal with your presence. You have every right to be there.

Honestly you probably need to lose the lot of these people but I'm guessing you aren't to that point yet.

Go to the wedding. SD can suck it.

buterfly_2011's picture

Yes I am the one who got left at home when SS15 was in the hospital Sad

I am not to that point yet but believe me I am close. Last year at this time I would have never even considered going to hang with friends if SO had family plans. So I'd say I am teetering on how much more I am willing to put myself through.

LizzieA's picture

I'm not a fan of your SO so I say go to the water park. I can't believe he keeps doing this to you, putting you on a shelf while he is with "his family." What are you, chopped liver?! :sick: