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I just don't get it..... one minute he is standing behind me the next he is two steps backwards.

buterfly_2011's picture

So and I sat down to discuss the summer things. Mainly SD17 and all this hoopla about her coming or not coming getting a job so many miles from us how will she get there etc. He told me that she was going to call last night so they could discuss IF she was going to behave when she comes IF she was going to TRY to work on things. TRY to accept her dad and I are together and have been for a while now..... and he told me he was going to make it very clear to her that if she comes her with ANY type of attitude she was NOT welcome to come and stay. That WE as a family are not spending our summer like we did last summer. That me and the boys will not go through that again. That we have made some pretty great summer plans and she isn't going to come in guns loaded to ruin what we have going on. It just won't happen. So I was thinking man this is just getting so much better. He see's that I am one foot out the door and he isn't willing to loose me or what we have built with our boys. We are making progress!!! WOOHOO! And for that moment I felt there is a chance... THEN she called.... and well I may as well have been a fly that was swatted before I even had a chance to circle the light.

I could hear her on the phone. We were in the car. Normally he disappears when she calls because he gets all weird about talking to her in front of me. Which pisses me off but I don't make too much of an issue out of that one. She started in on how he NEEDS to find her a job here. Well not here where we live she wants it in the town that is 45 minutes away from us. He tells her I am working on it. Don't worry I will do my best. Then I hear her say, dad you have to do this I need a job. UM HELLO..... get off your lazy ass and get online and apply to these places you are asking him about. THAT is how you apply. But what do I know right? Nothing because I'm just a dumb girlfriend. She mentioned two places that I know for a FACT they only accept online apps. But oh no he reassures her he will do his best to find her a job. So I am super pist off at this moment. WE get home and he is still on the phone with her NOT saying a single word about what we discussed. So I got out and went in the house. He stayed out in the car talking to her. About fifteen minutes later he comes in the house.. well you got out of the car quickly. I said yea I know how much you hate talking to her in front of me and frankly I couldn't listen to anymore. HE said it didn't feel like the right time to talk to her. I said WHEN IS??????? There isn't going to be. He said he would talk to her sometime before school gets out.. which for them is the middle of June. So I have to go till a few weeks before they are coming to know what the Frick is going on? Seriously........ I knew this would happen. He is more afraid of BM and his daughter than he is of me and the chance of me leaving. That is hard to swallow. I thought we were doing so good. But of course we aren't. He is saying things to keep me happy for "now"


imthewife's picture

OK...first are completely right here on all issues...let's start with the job.

What idiot would even entertain the idea that THEY get their kid a job? How is that gonna help SD in the future? Mommy and Daddy do not apply for jobs for you.

Any yes, about 95% of jobs for their age group are applied for online. My SD NEVER got a job out of any of them. She needs to go local and see her will talk to ehr in person. But believe me...they do NOT WANT DADDY DOING IT!!!!!

I understand what you mean about coming in with the guns blazing. I have finally gotten rid of my SD for a while...sent away to college and made her go stay with her mom out of state.

Sounds like you need to shake up DH a little more before he will change any of his ways.

I agree that these DHs seem to be more scared on BM and SDs then they are us...I always told my DH that...hang in there!

CrazieCoconut86's picture

This is how that conversation should have gone:

SD: Daddy, you need to find me a job
DH: No, you need to find yourself a job. And in town. I will NOT be driving you 45 minutes out of my way.

Done! How hard is that? And what is he afraid of? The worse thing that could happen is SD doesn't come to visit. Don't see where that is exactly a bad thing if she causes so much drama.

You need to step up the ultimaum. Let him know that he needs to talk to her, or he isn't included in any summer plans either. And one of those summer plans is you and your boys leaving his pathetic ass.

oneoffour's picture

Disengage. See this is my theory. We end up looking like the bad guys and shouldering all the blame for negativity. He knows full well you are right but to make himself look good he lets you be the bad guy and he just is the good-daddy.

So pull back. Do not indulge in his drama. I know it is hard but have your say and tell him how you will be spending summer and always have a Plan B. Let him feel uncomfortable and out of luck. When she turns up and wants someone to run her to work you have 'other plans, sorry'. And if things get too bad, take off for a few days.

He needs to feel how it will be if he allows you to get away. Extremely lonely and relegated to chauffeur.