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Sd annoys me.....

Bugsy6731's picture

I don't know why, but I can't stand my sd "T" she is having her mom help clean her house. My wife is 52 I'm 37 and we have a bio daughter together. My wife had our daughter when she was like 43. Any way, my wife is getting older and I worry she does too much because her two out four daughters are freaking lazy  and her bio brats have men to help them, lol. It makes me mad because the daughter we have together has autism and down syndrome and  her other two bio's bug their mom to the point she sometimes has no time for our angel. Her bio daughter "T" has like three freaking kids not even more than a few years apart and it's getting to that point "T" is always asking for help. Her other daughter "K'" is the same, always bugging mommy. Our special needs daughter needs her mom and me for the rest of her life and if my wife dies of heart problems, stroke, or in a car wreck because she's over doing it and stressed I'd probley dislike her adult  children even more. I'm not a jerk or a mean husband, I let my wife see her kids and grand kids, I even love the kids. I sometimes think her bio kids push for too much attention out of jealousy.  My wife and I argued a little because I said..... why not watch the grandkids while she cleans so you don't have to do cleaning? She said.....their my kids and I want to help. I just worry my wife over does it sometimes.  I am not jealous of her at all and I'm the one who told her when we first started dating to make more time for her kids because when two of three were still in school they were brats, their bio dad had them convinced their mom cheated and pushed him away. After getting to know my wife more I learned very few women can beat her in kindness and beat  her beauty . any way, her daughters called her mom crack whore, all sorts of nasty things because the dad was teaching them that. So my wife who was just my gf at the time didn't want much to do with her kids so I said I'm here now I'll help you change the way they treat you, and I did, helped her kick the negativity out and everytime her daughters would act out I'd say leave the house and when you return you need to leave all negativity at the door before you enter. They would not back talk their mom or me no more. If it was in the evening and I knew we couldn't just kick them outside I'd threaten to have their dad pick them up because they didn't really like going with him sometimes because he could get mean with them, that or threatened to call the police. My wife and her kids have a good bond now. I think her kids just need to give us space sometimes. I'm trying to like "T" and "K" but I don't know. Their husbands annoy me the most. Anyone else feel like me?


Chmmy's picture

I love doing things for my adult bio kids but Im 45...still young of course!! My MIL is late 60s. With a heart condition and wont stop doing for all of her 5 kids and 11 grands. She drives me nuts. I honestly think it keeps her going.

I think the bios, grandkids and your angel will keep your wife going, keep her in shape, keep her healthy and keep her happy. Why are you treating her like an old lady? Please dont or she will become one...unless she has a helath problem you didnt mention?

Im 45, ran a 5k this weekend and took a spin class and a Zumba dance class. Should I be slowing down? My resting heart rate is that of a healthy 20 year old but the rest of my body is 45 unfortunately. If your wife wants to do it she can handle it. I know at 37 years old, 52 must seem ancient but for me its only 7 yrs away. I hope to have grandkids by then to chase after.

Sometimes its more fun to do stuff with mom than their husbands