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Beware of idiots @ drop-off/pick up

borrowedtime83's picture

So,today, like every other Sunday afternoon, I go to McDonald's to pick up my BD5 from some person in BF's family or his current GF. (Which is contempt of court, but that's a whole new blog of it's own)It's BF's sister, and she is late, per usual. My child runs to my car unsupervised, and gives me a hug. Auntie then proceeds to lumber her 300lb body across the parking lot and asks me if my kid needs clothes for school, and I said "No, why?" She says "She isn't wearing clothes like THAT-*points to outfit BD5 is wearing* to school, is she?" (She had on a ripped pair of pink leggings and a blue and brown stained shirt that she WANTED to wear, and I was overjoyed, since that meant I didn't have to fight her about wearing her nice clothes to dad's and not getting them back.) I said "No, she chose that to wear." Which was true. And she rolled her eyes at me and asked me what size she wore, and "maybe" she would take her shopping next time. Umm, rude much? Besides the fact that my kids ripped up old, stained clothes look better than the Coogi or Apple Bottoms or Ecko stuff you spend $100's on and your ungrateful feral children ruin it in 2 weeks. I suppose this is going to become and issue now, and CPS will be called about my kid not having clothing. Well, better get to cleaning my house in case a social worker drops by...


Disneyfan's picture

Tell Aunt Fatty to take the money she's planning to spend on clothes for DD and use it to join a gym.

If dad has an issue with what your daughter is wearing, he should go out and buy a few items to keep at his house.

borrowedtime83's picture

Lol! Dad has no job, so if his sugar mama or family doesn't buy her clothing, than she has none. And we had issues with them taking her clothing, so I send her in crap. They used to change her in the McD's bathroom, but since she grew a size, I guess they have no clothes or something, NMP, though!
Lmfao, Aunt Fatty!!! Here is a little secret, she works in a hospital, so I am pretty sure she has access to discounted gym memberships, weigh loss classes, or drugs even, and she chooses to be the way she is.