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So, is ANYONE actually looking out for SD11's needs around here??!

borrowedtime83's picture

This is an atypical post for me. Usually, I regard SD11 as a spoiled, entitled brat, which she still is a lot of the time, but I have noticed several things lately:

NOBODY puts money in her lunch account at school. It seems as though SO puts some in, then when it runs out,its like a standoff between him and BM to see which one will cave first. (Like, "I put some in her account, now it's your turn" type of thing) She has seriously been negative for about a month- I know because the school calls and emails twice a day.

NOBODY has provided SD with her outfit for orchestra, and she has her first concert next Tuesday. The list of what was acceptable to wear for performances was sent home with the school supply list in mid-August. SD has none of it except maybe the shoes. BM was supposedly going to get it for her, and then last night SD was telling us all of the stores where we could go shopping to get her stuff. So she still has nothing.

They (BM, SO and all-knowing MIL) let her play a Volleyball tournament last night wearing see-through 1987 Rudy Huxtable wardrobe plaid pajama short shorts. How is it OK that they all knew she had to supply her own shorts, that she did not have any that were appropriate, and just let her go out in front of everyone wearing that crap? I was horrified for her, our entire family, and everyone that was attending. (I did not attend the game, as it started @ 3:30 and I had a meeting after work with BD9, but I did see her when she arrived home afterwards.)

She still, somehow, NEVER has underwear that fit. I broke down and got her 2 8-packs, which were impossible to find in her size. (She is about 5'6" and maybe 90 lbs, so I had to buy XS women's, since freaking little girl underwear DO NOT FIT HER!) She has about 3 pairs total left, (not enough for SUN-THUR that she spends with us every wk) plus a bunch of too small ones that I assume she wore back from BM's house. I started throwing away the little girls size 10 and 12, and now I must have tossed all those because now the 14's are coming home... NONE of which fit her. She does, however, have about 12 bras at all times even though she is flat as a pancake, so glad we got our priorities together.

I just don't understand how nobody can take care of this shit. It's ONE child. Between BM, SO, and MIL who can't stay out of our business ever, how can she not have the things she needs? I should not ever HAVE to spend my $ on SD11, because she has enough other people in her life that should be able to be adults and provide for her. (Preferably her actual freaking PARENTS!)


anothermom's picture

OMG!!!!! What is it with parents letting their kids look like donkey's!!
Rudy Huxtable, I can't stop laughing
Icecream vs toilet paper I think I'm gonna wet myself!

Cover1W's picture

If I notice things like SD9s shoes literally falling apart (or she tells me) then I let DP know right away. If he doesn't solve the problem of necessities within a reasonable amount of time, I'll help. Then I make damn sure he reimburses me.

I just did this last night. SD9 wore out yet another pair of necessary shoes. Neither BM nor DP has done anything about it. She asked me about it last night so we got online right away and ordered a pair, plus three new long sleeved shirts (which she's been asking for because it's cold now). DP will give me the reimbursement tomorrow.

There's some things I don't pay for at all (wants) but needs I'll make an exception so long as either of the SDs approch it w/out an attidue or if it needs correcting right away.

furkidsforme's picture

That is so sad. And kids her age are just cruel. I bet she catches hell for it at school from her peers. Does THAT make DH proud? That his kid gets picked on for having threadbare shorts and worn out undies?

borrowedtime83's picture

Well, as far as CS goes, nobody pays it. SO is the CP, and BM has not contributed in any significant financial way since she walked out the door on SD's 4th birthday/Mother's Day. They agreed no $ was to be exchanged between them,it's in the CO, and I am guessing that SO wanted to be the "hero" and "save" SD. Or he was too proud to ask for/take money from his kid's mom, or whatever reason, BM got off scott free, which has allowed her the freedom to birth 3 more welfare babies, and not have the responsibility of putting any funds towards the care of SD. Normally, I don't give a f&*^ when our household buys everything, but then I sort of expect BM to put up a few dollars to attend to SD needs when she is in her home. But no, she resorts to stealing underwear one pair, one week at a time, and sending SD11 home in training pants, all because she won't buy things and is too lazy to ever finish laundry, and the 3 mongoloids that live there full-time take priority over SD and her stuff.

It also gets tedious when every time there is a dance or field trip, SD just asks us for the $, even though the trip or function is on BM's day. I mean, can't BM pony up the $3 for your school dance like, ONCE?

I agree, the school lunch crap is bogus. BM is obviously getting the same phone calls and emails that SO and I get daily, and nobody stops for 5 minutes and puts $ in. At this rate, I seriously wonder how much it would take to bring her account current, as well as put enough in for it to last awhile. The whole lunch thing is done electronically on some specific website, and I have none of that information, or else I may have already just dealt with it.

Meanwhile, SD has a trash bag full of yarn to crochet with, 8 million rainbow loom binders, a bunch of clothes she won't wear, a tablet, and a bunch of other crap she doesn't actually "need"