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My DD11... Any ideas out there???

Biomomof2's picture

Soooo my DD is 11. Started developing at 8,9. Started her spotting 7 months ago. Full blown period started 3 months ago. She is a great kid. Even when DH and I fight about kids, she is Switzerland. We fight about his, and BS but never DD. She is very sweet, loving, listens well. The type of kid where she might not be happy doing something but wouldn't dream of back talking or not doing it. I have raised her that she doesn't have to be happy about it, she just can't be disrespectful or not do it.
This year she started middle school, she has a learning disability with special services. About 3rd grade I made a new guideline for her. Her report card isn't about the grades but her effort. It is NEVER ok to have anything other then mets expectations or exceeds when it comes to behavior at school. Her grades, well she is coming around. She went from a 2nd grade reading level to a 5th grade level last year. So now only 1 grade level behind. She busts her butt, tries above and beyond. Progress reports are coming out. All assignments are turned in (seriously she has NEVER missed an assignment)
Here is her breakdown
PE... 95
Reading... 79.9
Soc Sci... 96.6
Math strat....95
Math 76.6
Science 100
Reading and Math Strat are one on one classes to help her with assignments. For any child she has some pretty impressive grades. Of course, reading and ELA are low... She reads at a 5th grade level. But every assignment is in, and she is doing her best. Math is low but higher then ELA because she has 1 on 1 in class. And math help on homework.
Anyways, I have never done more for report cards then an icee or Starbucks to say good job. This year how ever, she is doing AMaZING!!!! I want to make sure she knows how proud I am of how far she has come.
Grades are wonderful (some are amazing for her some are amazing)
Never have any behavior issues
Does what she is asked, period
She just got her first phone, it is a slider.. She has to earn a smartphone, which to me means we will talk when her upgrade becomes available in 2 yrs. it is just how I parent. Started iPods with a shuffle and worked to an itouch.
Sooo ideas on how to let her know how much DH and I appreciate her, love her and how proud we both are. Nothing to big, but bigger then an icee


justanothergurlNJ's picture

Girls day out, a new outfit or Mani-Pedi if she's into it, maybe lunch or a movie.

Biomomof2's picture

I like this. Not only will she get a huge reward, it will show the other kids what they can get when they do as we tell them to!!!
I totally understand feeling bad for "the good kid". She often misses out because the others require so much more time. There will be weeks when all she gets is help on homework but no time.
I'm going to talk to DH and see if he is on board with this. He normally is on board for anything extra regarding her.

jstorie's picture

i think the girls day out idea is great or maybe if you want to involve husband a movie and dinner her choice. thats really impressive great job to her and great for you for inquiring ideas!

Biomomof2's picture

Thank you!!! She is my shining star!!!
The reason I brought up her starting her period is even through all of it, her behavior is impressive.
She is the kid I would love to give the world to, but don't want her spoiled !!!!!!