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It doesn't end once sks turn 18.

Anon2009's picture

I was just thinking about it. The step issues don't end once the sks turn 18. Just look at the adult forum. Neither does the association with bm. Next up you have graduations, weddings and grandkids. And then the grandkids will have graduations, weddings and other life events. Some of these events can be done separately, sure. But weddings and graduation ceremonies can't be.


Toastergirl's picture

Noooo Sad

Why did you smash my hopes?

Yeah, I figured gritting my teeth through the graduations is a must. I can hang out at the bar at her wedding and avoid Dr Evil's family. But college? grandchildren? That brings up more crap too?

Will hex's ever truly go away?

WokeUpABug's picture

I know! I've wandered on to the adult step forum before only to be disappointed in the same way!

But... there are far fewer posts. So maybe it's still an issue, just not an everyday, in your face type issue.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

That's the reality, and it's better to know it than to be surprised by it.

I have two adult skids. Both had "issues" as kids, and they both still struggle as adults. In fact, despite hating each other for years, they now live together & the tie that binds them is hating DH & me. They've gotten older, but never changed. Sure, they've pretended to make nice, but things always revert to status quo. BM hasn't changed. DH has a bit, as I stepped out & forced him to deal with the ugly people their children grew up to be. Broken members of a broken family, even after all these years.

dogtac69's picture

Of course life goes on with the Skids when they turn 18. There is no reason for them not to be in your life. They will always be DH children, and he will always want to be in their lives.

wth was I thinking's picture

My only hope is that it is easier to deal with their crap when DH is no longer shelling out piles of cash for CS.

hereiam's picture

We have had no contact with BM for 5 years, since SD was 18. She did call DH once but he refused to talk to her, except to say that he had nothing to say to her.

DH does not fall for ANY of SD's antics and never has, so no real problems there, either.

I guess it just depends on what they have learned that they can get away with.