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NEW need help

angelinlight's picture

someone needs to explain the ds hd and all of them to me. I set sk and sd ss but I am not so sure about the rest.


angelinlight's picture

someone needs to explain the ds hd and all of them to me. I set sk and sd ss but I am not so sure about the rest.

realitycheckmom's picture

DH= Dear or Darling or even dipshit husband.
FDH or FH= future dear husband
SD= stepdaughter and sometimes stepdad but rarely and you can usually tell from context

SS= stepson
DD= dear daughter
DS= dear son
BD= bio daughter or bio dad again context
BS= bio son or bullsh*t again context
BM= birth mother and frequent bowel movement
sk or skid= stepkids

chokinonlemons2u's picture

SO = significant other
YSD= younger step daughter
OSD= older step daughter
YSS=younger stepson
OSS= olderstepson
MSD= middle stepdaughtr

Smh= shaking my head
Smdh= shaking my d*** head

MIL=`mother in law
FIL= father in law
SIL=sister in law
BIL= brother in law

GM= grandmother


realitycheckmom's picture

I am so tired I couldn't remember what I forgot. LMAO thanks so much!!!! Smile