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amshelton's picture

I have a 34 year old step daughter, needless to say its been a struggle over 28 years with her.

I recently was suppose to have Lia Sophia party, my step daugher asked me to do this after I just had surgery and ended up with a blood clot in my lung. I did cancel, but she was so mad.

I wrote her a e-mail about easter since she has two children and her response was that she didn't give a sh.. about easter baskets and that in the future I should suck it up when I had promised to have a party for her and think about her feelings. Well, I am sorry I was sick. Her other response was that in my mind I secretly think that my step-daugher wants her mom and dad together after 33 years of divorce her other response is to keep my mouth shut and think about what i say. Just was wondering what anyone else thought about this situation?


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Write her back and tell her that's exactly what you were thinking, ask her how she knew, and ask her if Lia Sophia sells crystal balls, too. If so, I'd like one. I'd like to know what BM is thinking when she gets a mullet on a 4 year old. A big fat tacky Billy Ray Cyrus Mullet.

MrsFitMama's picture

She's calling you selfish when you were sick...
Tell her she's immature for holding a grudge against you since she was 6 and to get over it. Her bitterness towards your marriage will end up with karma and end hers.

My stepdad and mom raised me since I was 3... I know he didnt love me the same as his other children but I know he at least tried and loved me. I am thankful that he was there...

Have your DH back you up on that... you could have died and all she's worried about is a stupid sales party. GTFU (grow the eff up)...

Jsmom's picture

Cut her out of your life. No one deserves to be treated like that. Does she not realize you could have died from that clot. What a bitch!!! Do not do a thing for her. Nothing....

alwaysanxious's picture

I am pretty sure after all that, I would just ignore her and no longer speak to her. At all.

Shannon61's picture

MrsFit must have read my mind because I feel exactly the same way. I also believe in the power of karma and she needs to grow the !@ up.

It would be a done deal for me as well. She's a selfish witch who lacks compassion and common sense. At her age, she's old enough to know better. It's also sad that she's raising children. I'd end my relationship with her at this point, and show DH the email if he wants to know why. If she can't respect you, remove her from your life. . . period!

Shaman29's picture

Your SD wanted you to suck it up? You had a blood clot in your lung and you're supposed to suck it up because of how canceling a jewelry party affected her?

That spoiled little brat is lucky she's not my DH's daughter.

I agree with the others, I would completely disengage and cut her out of your life. She's a grown woman and should behave like an adult, not a six year old brat.

Unbelievable......34 years old and still behaving that way.

By the did your DH react when he heard about it?