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advice.only2's picture

Let me preface this by saying this is going to be a total bitch rant but that’s the mood I’m in.

Let’s start at the beginning which would be last Friday, BS got his own place and we were helping him move in.  It was a stressful day as my BS was having some physical issues (he has been so stressed he’s angered his TMJ) so he was crabby and out of sorts.  DH and I made sure everything was covered and tried to make things very stress free for him.  We spent the day moving his stuff and getting him settled. 

Came home to begin cleaning up what was once his room.  BS had put some sticky stuff on the walls and when we tried to take it off it ended up ripping the drywall.  I had no intention of painting the room since I liked the color, but having to patch several spots I knew I would have to paint.  Also, the ceiling fan was disgusting and I wasn’t in the mood to clean it so I just decided to get a new one.

Enter Saturday, DH takes BS to the bulk item stores so he can stock up.  While BD decides she wants to completely re-do “her” bathroom now that BS is out.  So, BD and I spend the day shopping for paint, a new ceiling fan, and bathroom essentials.  The day ends with me and DH purchasing some new furniture for the room and me prepping the room for painting.

Sunday begins, a day of painting and changing out ceiling fans and cleaning the house and trying to get ready for work on Monday.

The work week has been rough, it’s busy at work and I am on a deadline that needs to be completed by Friday.  It’s been stressful plus getting used to BS not being here and DH and BD are sniping at each other and I get to play peacemaker.  I’m also a few days out from my period so I’m moody and emotional, but nobody cares, because you know mom and wife.

Enter today, DH will be gone for an event tonight, BD will be gone for dance.  I am looking forward to a blissful night alone with some wine, a show I’m binge watching and girl dinner.  I call DH on the way home as my tire light is on, he tells me he’s made spaghetti sauce for dinner.  I responded “Oh well I wasn’t planning anything since you and BD will be gone.”  I can feel the air chill through the phone and DH tells me he will see me when I get home.

Now here’s the thing, our dishwasher died on Tuesday (may it rest in pieces) and so all dishes are having to be washed by hand.  My DH made spaghetti sauce, not spaghetti and noodles and got bread…nope he just made the sauce.  So, I come home from a long crap day and get to make noodles and get bread and now I get to wash a shit ton of dishes………but I can tell DH is feeling like a hero for doing the barest minimum by making sauce.  Had my DH taken one second to communicate with me (but why would he after all), I could have told him to table all that and just let me do my own thing.  Then his precious man fee-fees would not be hurt and I could have had an enjoyable relaxing evening.

So happy effing Thursday Stalkers, TGIF tomorrow!  


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Talk about getting piled on! Sorry you're dealing with all of this. Kudos to holding your tongue. I'd've probably said I wasn't hungry and let him handle the noodles and bread. Sheesh. 

Yesterdays is right; he needs to leave another day so you can get your night! What about a spa session to lead up to that night of wine, show, and girl dinner? You deserve it.

advice.only2's picture

I almost just took the damn sauce in the pot and put it in the refrigerator so he could re-heat it the next day, but I cooked the rest of the stupid dinner.  I had a meatball and a slice of bread and my BD didn't eat because she wasn't hungry.  So I called BS and told him there was spaghetti if he would like some.  Thankfully he came and ate a huge helping then grabbed left overs.  While I went to take a shower BD washed all the dishes.  I almost cried because she helped when I didn't even ask her to.  I'm still frustrated with DH because he didn't communicate with me and that is a huge issue in our marriage right now.   A spa day would be lovely, but I'm thinking of booking a weekend get away with my bestie so we can sit around and bitch about our husbands lol.

Rags's picture

I get that men can be infuriating. I am one.  I drive my bride nuts too.  Usually under very similar circumstances to your sauce incident.

Enjoy your estrogen rich WE.


Harry's picture

That more important then paint / painting a room.   Second have that talk with DH. on ..he either making dinner or not . No half dinners.  That you are a adult you don't need him making sauce and nothing else .   
'This is a good place to vent ..  you see where your problems are .  

advice.only2's picture

I have discussed it with him in the past, but I'm tired of having to tell him how to adult, but I guess I will keep having to.


thinkthrice's picture

Chef likes bragging on anything and everything he does yet  he will always imply that I don't do enough or that I'm sitting on my ass or I am too slow. 

Um no I like to do things thoroughly.  When he gets done cooking it looks like a bomb has gone off in the kitchen he over buys and overcooks for just the two of us.

I will say though having rental properties has made me an expert on drywall patching and painting.

Rags's picture

Aggravated by a not unusual man brain fart.

Sorry you are frustrated.

Though the future may not be beyond hope. Some us who are challenged with testosterone driven man brain do learn... not quickly, not always effectively, but some times we do catch a clue. Occassionally.

Please accept my universal man appology.  For the spaghetti sauce, dishes, failure to call, and for not recognizing the stress aggravation and chage of BS's departure, and PMS tensions.

Give rose



Rags's picture

Okay, I'll just sit in the corner and listen.  As much as I am capable of just listening.
