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Purplemom's picture

WHY do judges let these crazy ass BM's get away with everything?!

The Harpee didn't serve her documents corectly for the bifrucation hearing. Therefore, by the rules of court (that are supposed to apply to everyone) the matter should have been continued.....

BUT NOOOOOOO! the Harpee wants to get married tomorrow (to a former HS boyfriend that has been in the picture about 6 months that we know of)so the judge gives it to her anyway!

How the hell do these crazy ass bm's manage this crap?

Don't get me wrong, no one on this end cares if she wants to get married and FDH certainly is not complaining about being divorced.. but come on, what the hell man!!!!


lawyergirl06's picture

It depends. Some rules are set to make sure there is due process and that hearings can't go forward without everyone having notice. However, if your DH didn't complain or object, the judge will probably let it go forward. Sometimes they sacrifice rules in the name of judicial efficiency.