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*bangs head on desk*

Purplemom's picture

FDH's CS hearing is tomorrow..... his lawyer told him to be prepared to pay 2100.00 per month... because he only has 7% time since the harpee pulled her false accusation BS.

This leaves him with about 1000.00 to live on per month. The mortgage is 1300.00
Anyone have experience with this?


realitycheckmom's picture

They cannot take more than 50% of his income in most states. Also if the loan is in his name alone then they cannot force him into foreclosure. He can also ask for a reduction. My ex got a reduction at the hearing to determine child support before he even had to make a payment. The judge told him what the state guidelines called for and he said he couldn't pay it and asked for a reduction that day and the judge said ok.

overworkedmom's picture

I was going to say 50% is usually the max, and they can't count your income. They also factor in if he has other children, do you have any kids with him?

knucklehead's picture

Four kids, right? The fifth is an adult? What about alimony, too? Or is it JUST CS?
I see you're in CA (which totally explains the timeshare thing) and wondered...does the $2100 include things like medical, child care, or arrears?

Purplemom's picture

There are no arrears, there is like 100.00 in spousal support... 4 kids. We don't have kids together (hell, we don't even live together yet) supposedly that includes him providing the medical..... I think his attourney is batshit insane for not fighting this and basically telling him to suck it up.

imthewife's picture

Purplemom...if you are in California...this sounds about right...hell, I'd almost say it sound like LA county...they HATE dads.

Lawyer should be fighting this and any accusations that are false. Haven't read your blogs...

I would really thing about this one...sounds nasty...I feel for you...been there...done that...

And in California...both parents are supposed to provide insurance if it is available and they are both required to pay half of all out of pocket expenses...make sure that is done.

Purplemom's picture

I really don't get how this chick can look at herself in the mirror every day. She is just crazy.. and the kids are the ones who are going to be FUBAR'd because of all of her crap.