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Elizabeth's Blog

Does anyone else think stepkids get a ridiculous amount biokids never would?

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OK, maybe this is a rhetorical question, but ugh.

I got new glasses a while back and got a pair of frames that was essentially covered by my insurance plus did NOT get the anti-reflective coating because of the cost.

Lo and behold I come across a receipt dated this month where SD19 got new glasses, total cost, wait for it ... nearly $400. This included $70 per lens plus $80 for reflective coating and nearly $200 for the frames.

Just a vent about SD19, as usual

Elizabeth's picture

Every time DH brings up SD19 to me, I have to grit my teeth and be very careful about what I say.

DH is finally in same town as me. We went to lunch together, phone rings, it's SD19. Instead of telling her he's busy having lunch with his wife (we lived in separate states for 6 months), he takes the call. I have to sit there and listen to him help SD19 deal with a problem.

Gack, I know I shouldn't look at Facebook

Elizabeth's picture

BM's mom is a crazy lady. She's always putting private business on Facebook for everyone to see, and I get a kick out of it because BM and her mom are on the outs right now and BM's mom is always calling her out about it.

SD19 is old enough she can choose whether or not to spend time with BM's mom. And she does because they live in the same town and half of the time SD is on the outs with BM as well and needs someone immediately handy to give her money.

So demoralized and frustrated and mad and disgusted and...

Elizabeth's picture

I am to the point where I hate SD19, and I know this is not good for me and I need to find a way to make peace with this situation, but maybe I am not a big enough person?

I just cannot understand how DH can just not only accept but encourage her negative attitude and behavior. We have been in our new home (one state away) for nearly five months now. My two BDs (SD's half sisters) have not heard a peep from her in all that time, despite both of them having birthdays. Not a text (to DH's phone), not a card, not a call, definitely not a present.

DH is about to beard the lion in her cave

Elizabeth's picture

DH and BM went back and forth over custody of SD19 over the years (court mandated 50/50 when they divorced when SD was 2). To not get on the wrong side of the law, DH did not claim SD on some of the years he was entitled to. When he tried, he found out BM had already claimed her and he decided not to make waves.

How to cope when you want the stepkid(s) to disappear forever and they just WON'T oblige...

Elizabeth's picture

I know, I know, I know that DH is a great part of the problem, but I cannot get past the feeling that if SD19 would learn to be an adult and stand on her own two feet, things would get a lot easier. I am SO SO SO sick of being lied to by omission and misdirection and then yelled at for being upset about it.

SD's friend is worth ten of her, why can't some of that rub off

Elizabeth's picture

SD19 has a friend Dh has always liked, and he really encouraged their friendship (to the point of going overboard in my opinion, but whatever). SD and friend are going to the same college, but friend is SO much more ambitious and driven. Friend works hard and gets all As at college. Friend within a week of school ending for the summer had not one but two jobs. Friend is nicer to my two BDs than SD is.

SD19 is totally delusional, maybe DH is too?

Elizabeth's picture

I was getting ready to go to church the morning of Mother's Day and DH comes in while I'm dressing and brings up, AGAIN, the time he bought me a mother's necklace after oldest BD was born. He bought a necklace with a little girl charm with BD8's birthstone. It was very sweet. He added to it when second BD was born.

Is there no end to DH's hijinks?

Elizabeth's picture

DH had to drive to the town we are moving to for a house inspection. It's four hours away and inspection was set for 9, so he would have to get up really early in the morning (5). He kept saying he was going to leave at 7, which didn't make sense to me, eventually he pushed that back to 6:30. I kept asking, "Don't you want to be there for the inspection?" and he's like, "No, I can just be there when it's over." I didn't understand.
