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OK, I have to stop looking!

Elizabeth's picture

SD20 and BF evidently are back together, and of course she's got to post about it to the world so people see she's "good enough" to attract a man. Quality of said man is in serious question, but hey, he's breathing!

So she's now posting about what she sees as the perfect proposal. Are You Kidding Me?! They've only dated five months now, and they've been "off" for at least one of those five months. Get a grip. Take a breath. I sure hope she doesn't turn up pregnant. I don't need MORE drama in my life.

What kids notice

Elizabeth's picture

I am a stickler when it comes to wearing a seatbelt in the car. There ARE no exceptions. So I was driving the other day and DH did not have his on (briefly) while we had our two BDs in the car and I was hassling him. He gets out of the car to go into a convenience store and BD9 tells me she knows someone else who doesn't wear a seatbelt: SD20. Oh great. That means DH is letting her ride around in the car with them without her seatbelt on, setting yet another great example for our two BDs.

I don't want my BDs to turn out ANYTHING like SD20

Elizabeth's picture

Last night BD9 broached the topic with me of getting access to a video game she has heard about from her friends and wants to play. I guess she discussed it with DH first (because he is the more lenient parent) and he said, "I don't know why not. SD played that when she was your age."

Opened DH's eyes a bit more this weekend

Elizabeth's picture

SD20 said publicly on the Internet: My family has screwed me over my entire life.

I told DH about it this weekend. He asked to see her account (at last). I showed him exactly where she had said it, he wanted to know when. We had a talk.

I guess he ended up giving her money for her birthday even though she'd lied and gotten more than $100 out of him just the week before. He "said" he'd make the ill-gotten money her birthday present, but he caved.

Snicker, more random info about SD20's boyfriend

Elizabeth's picture

He's posting all kinds of stuff on the Internet about how "this is the life that chose him." He has six kids with, I just found out, FOUR women. He has four separate CS orders and he's bragging about how he's current on all of them. OK, the man works sweeping floors at a factory. How much money can he make? How large can these CS orders be? Bravo, you're current on CS. STOP HAVING ALL THESE KIDS! I sure hope he doesn't get SD pregnant. I SO don't need that drama in my life.

SD20 is never going to grow up

Elizabeth's picture

Dh and I had a talk last night about her posting stuff solely to be hateful to me. In the past he has ALWAYS made excuses for her behavior, saying she just needed time to grow up, but I think now that she is 20 and is not getting ANY better, he is seeing this pipe dream of his may never happen.

In fact, her attention-seeking, stepmother bashing behavior has accelerated. She's also bashing DH, but I didn't bother telling him because he'd just make excuses. What 20-year-old cannot recognize their behavior is wrong and GROW UP? Um, SD at least.
