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Poll- Who are you?

General Discussion ive so enjoyed being part of this forum. who is everyone? 1. What state are you ...

Calypso1977 - 03/27/2014 - 8:41am - 39 comments

cut-out cookie icing?

I wanted to ask in the 'recipe' forum but that looks like you can only post recipes not ...

iamlosingit - 12/13/2017 - 5:21am - 11 comments

mini wife syndrome

Wow! First of all I just wanted to say how incredibly helpful I've found this forum to be. ... distinct concepts I learned from delving deeper into this forum. 1) I don't have to love my step ... are a gay couple). 2) BUT, the thing that really hit home for me with this forum was the parents that posted ...

Zendawg - 10/09/2021 - 1:36am - 3 comments


Family Court im not sure whats out there on the internet yet on this idea but how about a forum to ...

finding my happ... - 08/27/2006 - 4:47pm - 61 comments

OT- that bra biz

Blog hoggin' today! I saw that forum post regarding bras... ... My first thought: define "modest" in regards to a person's at-home-clothing. Do you ...

Aniki-Moderator - 08/25/2020 - 3:08pm - 65 comments

end of my rope

forums. I am the stepmother of twin 30 year old men. I have only known them for 3 years as this is a new ...

denisemc - 03/14/2014 - 10:07am - 14 comments


My partner, as well, has been criticized in this online forum.  I have also received some excellent ... for being in my situation.  My partner, as well, has been criticized in this online forum.  I have also ...

FWSM1964 - 09/16/2020 - 1:08am - 180 comments

Money Matters

General Discussion I'm knew to this forum and so greatful for the community.  I would really ...

hugforme - 03/16/2024 - 6:00pm - 15 comments
