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Any recommendations for proving PAS in court besides having Skid testify?

fedupstepdad's picture

The biggest concern is that skid is still having problems at BD house, which according to skid happens all the time, but skids fear is stopping her from telling the truth. Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue and how they were able to present findings. Thanks!


redheaded_stepmom's picture

SD came home from school yesterday and tried to get away with taking her meds late and thinking I hadn't noticed. I told her that I knew she hadn't taken them that morning and that it is not good for her to get off schedule like that, especially with the ADHD meds because they are stimulants and can cause her to have trouble sleeping if she takes them so late in the day. I talked to DH yesterday about SD not taking her meds and he had a talk with her about how we was trying to trust her to take them.

BS14 Hears BM Having Sex

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

My BS14 spends every other weekend with the BM. The last few times he has been with her he has come home quite upset. When I asked him what’s wrong he tells me that at night when everyone has gone to bed but he is still watching TV (which is right outside BM bedroom) he is hearing his mother going for it with her partner. SS14 has told his mother that he can hear them and he thinks it’s disgusting but to his surprise her response was turn the TV up louder then or go to bed. If I want to make noise while having sex I will.

The evolution of this step-mom

SoFrustrated's picture

I have been a member of ST for about three and a half years. When I joined I was angry and frustrated and had absolutely no one to talk to. ST and the wonderful people of ST gave me my sanity back. I found out that there were other people going through the same crap that I was. Not only was I not alone, but it gave me perspective as well. As horrible as I thought my situation was, there were so many people living a daily nightmare. ST gave me the perspective and encouragement I needed to work through my issues.

Dawn - an appeal from a member

Stick's picture

I know this sh*t is frustrating and crazy. I know that we are all a bunch of screaming banshees sometimes.

But PLEASE... Please do not shut the site down or take it off or anything like that. I know that I am not innocent - by any stretch.

But I cannot tell you how much of a public service this site is.. and how much we all need it.

Yes, even when we are venting screaming banshees... we are relieving stress.

Even when we are taking some of our personal life into our ST life, and possibly taking out frustration on each other... it's a public service.

Am I odd one out or are there others out there???

MsPerception's picture

I hold myself in contempt by the grace of the nickname I rendered myself to bf over skids: STEPDRAGON!!! He has said I need to quit that, but why? We do NOT see eye to eye on what should be considered unruly, lazy or even unkempt behaviors. Now, here is the other thing that makes me feel bad about being a BM in the midst of of all you steps---I have/had little to no interaction with their mom (skids) or even kids' dad since mine and bf's relationship started.
