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Thing1's graduation...

WalkOnBy's picture

last weekend went off without too many hitches.

I know that Echo posted on my last blog about how Asshat and Money-Ka ended up right next to us at the first event, but for those who didn't see it, here goes.

We get into town, park the car and head over to the venue for the business school commencement. Decent weather day. The venue is big, think basketball arena size, like 25K seats and tickets were not required, nor were seats assigned. We find some seats and I keep two open for my daughter and son-in-law.

They are running late, so I am craning my head around to see if I can see them. As I turn to my left. I see Money-Ka coming down the aisle in to the section we are sitting in. She sees me, makes her "ick, it's you" face and I make my "yep, and ick, it's you right back at ya" face and she steps into the row two rows behind me.

My mom looked at me. My husband looked at me. I just shook my head. DD26 texts me, I tell where we are sitting and as she and her husband come down the aisle, they see Asshat and Monkey-Ka and DD bursts out laughing.

Ceremony went fine, the speaker was great. As everyone was making their way toward the exits, my mom runs over to Asshat to tell him how sorry she was to hear about his mom's death (suck up). I give him the old "hey how's it going" head nod and said, "hey there, how's it going?" He got spooked - he always gets really uncomfortable when I speak to him, he would rather try to convince the world that I don't exist and he birthed the kids - so I just kept right on making small talk with Money-Ka. He ignored my husband and my niece. Then we reached the exit and we went our separate ways.

Next morning at the football stadium, we had assigned seats. I also had my dad and stepdad with us, so it was a whole lot of people who don't really like each other. I don't like Asshat or Money-Ka, my dad HATES Asshat, my mom usually hates him (though she totally sucked up to him the day before), my husband hates Asshat, Asshat hates me and my husband and my mom hates my dad. Good times, good times.

Asshat and Money-Ka sat at the end of the row and I put Thing2 and my niece between us. I put my mom to my right, and my husband, dad and SM to my left. My mom was reasonably well behaved, although she kept giving my husband credit for all my ideas (taking the shuttle bus from the hotel, flagging down a golf cart for the long walk from the shuttle stop to the stadium, leaving early so as not to have to wait forever for the shuttle bus), but that's nothing new for her.

Asshat left a few minutes before we did and as he is walking down the row, he says goodbye to Thing2, my niece (whom he had never met), says goodbye to my mom, says nothing to me, GRABS MY HUSBAND'S HAND and shakes it, saying "so nice to see you, DH", says goodbye to my SM and then GRABS MY DAD'S HAND and shakes it.

I literally had to hold DH back - Asshat has been perfectly awful to both of us, and I don't think DH will ever get over Asshat scheming with Medusa when we were each going through our respective custody issues...

Needless to say, I was not the least bit surprised at Asshat's behavior. I mean, this is the guy who gave the speech at our daughter's wedding and didn't mention me once....

lol - Asshat is such an ASS!

This weekend at Thing2's graduation will be similar with regard to Asshat's behavior.

Can't wait for this shiznet to be over!


Kes's picture

It's really nice of you to attend. SD1's graduation is taking place in July at the other end of the country, and I am not going. }:)

WalkOnBy's picture

this was my kid, Kes, so of course I attended Smile

His twin graduates this weekend so I get to do it all over again.

F my life...

WalkOnBy's picture

we wore jeans to the stadium ceremony. It was outside and it was 40 degrees!

Apparently, Asshat and Money-Ka didn't check the weather before they left Boston because he showed up in a suit (no coat, no blanket, no gloves, nothing) and she showed up wearing jeans and a really cute (but very light) leather jacket.

WalkOnBy's picture

I would be very surprised if that name is on that announcement.

I remember when DD26 was working on picking out invitations for the wedding - Asshat asked her to consider having them say "Mr. and Mrs. Asshat request the honor ...." and leave me and DH AND the groom's parents off the invitation altogether!!

The good thing about these two graduations is that I won't have any more to attend! Go me!!!

WalkOnBy's picture

Asshat isn't ballsy, he is actually quite the chickenshit. What he is is arrogant. He's the kind of person who, if you disagree with him, not only are you wrong, but you are also stupid!!!

Asshat. Such an asshat.

WalkOnBy's picture

thanks - I don't hate him anymore. I am apathetic - which is a really good place to be. He effed me over, no doubt about it, but now he amuses me Smile

Kes's picture

"this was my kid, Kes, so of course I attended"

Oh whoops, sorry, out of touch with everyone's names - don't mind me! Wink

WalkOnBy's picture

I am very proud of both of them...Thing2 told me last night that he won "a minor award" for his capstone research paper Smile

I am also very excited to be able to take the money I had been spending on them and put it into my retirement account - yahoo for my own personal raise - lol!