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oh MIL....

Tuff Noogies's picture

well. before i start this off i will have to give some backstory... MIL totally favors oss. she always has. lurch and kaos both see it (ouch!). even to the exclusion of her own d@mn ONLY son.

for the last 6m, dh has been trying to get oss OFF our car insurance. MIL cries poor, yet wasnt pushing for oss to get. a. job. finally they settle on her mailing me a check monthly for oss' share. to date, this has never happened. for the last several years, if dh needs a favor or has a scheduling conflict and he's called on MIL for help, he gets "weeeeelllll... i dont knowwww.... i'll have to seeeeee....." and he invariably has to make other arrangements (usually w/ g-ma!! dumb@$$' mom!) and come to find out later she took oss to the mall instead.

when oss got his car, she gave 1300.00 towards it. when it came time for lurch, "weeellllll.... all i can give is a few hundred....." come to find out later she'd paid for oss to go to florida instead.

when kaos asks her to pick him up from school so he can spend a few hrs with her, it's "weeeellllll.... i dont have the gas....." come to find out she drove over an hour to take oss to xyzcity.

this is a repeated pattern. over and over and over again she pulls this $#!t.

so, guess what oss gets for Christmas this year? A NEW CAR!!!!!!!

oh i lost it. dh asked for me to sign over the title of the 'old' car. i texted MIL "h3ll no i'm not signing over $#!t." then i proceeded to tell her "you are a shitty excuse of a mother. pathetic."

and D@MN it felt sooooo good!!

why did i lose it? refer back to the previous history. i was so effing angry at her blatant favoritism. i eventually did sign the car over just to be done with them. but i did make a snarky comment to dh last night that "well i the insurance was so much an effing problem before but it's suddenly not now, is it...." oh, and MIL and FIL drove an hour away to this dealership but wont drive 8 miles for kaos.

i'm sure Christmas is going to be fun for lurch and kaos. "yeah, we got two shirts and a pair of pants. but oss gets ::drumroll:: A NEW CAR!"



Aniki-Moderator's picture

What the frickin frack?!?!

She may very well end up alienating lurch and kaos.
"Grandma wants to see you!" "Sorry, but I have a toenail that's about to become ingrown."
"Grandma misses you!" "WHO?? I think you have the wrong number."

Tuff, I love ya, but I'm gonna say it... MIL needs a Flying Five Fist Monkey C*nt Punch.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i totally agree aniki. that's why i told her exactly what i think of her. }:) }:) }:)

lintini's picture

Wow!! What the heck?
Well I have a MIL as you know who is very feisty about her grand kids for equality, and I'm sure she would love to adopt Kaos.

DaizyDuke's picture

Refresh my memory?? How old is OSS? And he lives with MIL? How long has he lived there? Was he the one who packed up his shit recently and "ran away" to MIL's or am I confusing him?

Is DH an only child or does he have siblings? Did she have a favorite when DH was a kid??

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh daizy, time flies. yes that was him alright, when dh told him to get a job. but it wasnt recently - it was almost 2 years ago. he is 18, will be 19 in about 2 1/2 months.

and dh is her only child. she had him when she was 17 and never had any other kids.

DaizyDuke's picture

Wow, she's a strange bird. Wonder why she shows such obvious favoritism to the OSS?? And OSS STILL has not job, yet she's buying him a new car???

Tuff Noogies's picture

yeah he finally got a job about 2 weeks ago. and i have no idea why she shows such favoritism. she didnt when they were very young, she actually favored kaos!

Tuff Noogies's picture

i decided to go ahead and sign it over because i'd been trying to turn the title over to oss' name since he turned 18 (if something happened i did not want the vehicle tied to me, or the insurance.)

i have no idea what they did with it. after i told her what i thought of her, i am back to radio silence. and lurch already has his own vehicle, kaos wont be driving for another three years (he hopes. not my call.) and yes, the title was in my name so i "owned" it. but MIL contributed quite a bit, and g-ma almost half of the cost.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Just be done with her and her negative b.s.

You, DH, and the two younger skids should just leave MIL and OSS to their dysfunctional tea party. She's obviously using him to fill some sick, gaping, mommy guilt hole, so don't expect anything from that quarter. Let them go, completely.

IslandGal's picture

Oh absolutely she deserves Anikis monkey punch..what a horrible twat!! Im so glad you let her have it. Im feelin like crap from too many beers..but hell..I'd jump on the wagon to go slap some sense into her!