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Interesting study...May explain a lot about our BM's and Skids....

Salems Lot's picture

An interesting study for those that have an overly entitled BM and/or skid(s).
I always told SO BM lacks humility and gratitude. Sadly skids are entering or have already entered into this cycle as well.


Salems Lot's picture

BM's parents always thought they were better than everyone else and believed they were entitled what ever they wanted without paying. They raised their kids that way...BM and her sibling are raising their kids that way as well.
The narcissism in that family is generational.

I thought that someday SO's kids will come around and see what they and their mother are doing is wrong, but now I have little or no hope....

2badsosad's picture

It did seem like there is no hope in the fight against entitlement. My Step Daughter is extremely entitled and I blame both the Bio Mom AND my husband.

notsobad's picture

My brothers MIL has said she only had 5 choices in a career, teacher, nurse, secretary, hooker or wife. She's been know to say that the last two are really one.

She got pregnant the summer before she was going to start University to become a teacher. Her father was actually happy and congratulated her boyfriend, saying you just saved me a bucket full of money that would have been wasted on her education.

She refused to get married and both families freaked out. She said she'd only get married if she could go to Uni. Her Dad agreed to pay for it and so pregnant and then with an infant she got her teaching degree in two years.

moeilijk's picture

Some people who are entitled probably have a leaning toward a personality disorder. But lots more are just immature. That's poor parenting right there.

And yes, the focus on the individual is part of the problem. We don't live in a bubble, where we are not affected/do not affect each other. But when individualism is taken too far, we start to think that what we do is just about us - we forget to take others into consideration.

The way I look at it, the way to avoid raising an entitled child is to ensure that the kid understands that actions have consequences, that they are part of a group (family group, class at school, team, etc) and that their role is important AND SO IS the role of everyone else.

Like the Golden Rule - treat others as you wish to be treated - and the next level, understand that others can be completely different but still value what they value just as powerfully as you value what you value.