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FH is still married to the BM

ReadySetNot's picture

REALLY??? He isnt still legally married to her but with a guilt trip of hers FH is now not spending the Adult night we had planned with other Adults we have had these plans for three weeks now. BM knew about them 2 1/2 weeks ago and NOW choses to play the "Well it's your time you have with our son and im going to tell him that you would rather party then spend time with him" (We are having dinner and going dancing)
So thus being he CAVES TO THE DUMB f*N c*t im so angry right now,...I tried talking to him about it but he just keeps saying please dont do this to me too....I have let a lot of things slide in fact our friends NEVER ask us to go hang out with them any more because we always end up saying no we have SS. So when we tell them we can get together and acctaully hang out with them FH backs out because BM is dumb..........

Totalybogus's picture

If it is your husband's parenting time, he should get him. However, you guys can get a babysitter for the night and your FH can spend the rest of the weekend with his son.

ReadySetNot's picture

I understand that. BUT BM will take away time on FH time for birthday parties and other misc. things she does for SS and she see no problem with doing that. In fact when FH told her we had plans she said thats fine because SS had a birthday party to go to Sunday for one of his friends that she wants him to go to. the birthday party is two doors down from her house.....and it's at 11am...

soverysad's picture

Okay, I see your point with her manipulating your time. If she is going to be this way and not play nice in the sandbox, the dh needs to stick strictly to the court order. If she can't do you a favor without making SS feel bad, the she shouldn't get ss on DH's time ever. Some people will disagree because ss will miss parties whatever, but you know what? Sometime kids need to know the truth. Life is disappointing and it is bm's fault that everyone can't play nice. She is dicking you guys around because she knows DH cares about SS and will acquiesce whenever she pulls the "poor ss" card. Put it back on her if SS is disappointed because he is missing something on your time. As for DH crying about "you doing this to him too". Too bad. YOU are his wife. SO YOUR needs should be the ones he's listening to. We get sitters on our nights when we want to go out, but if we want to go somewhere on a night Wingnut is supposed to have SD but is working and expects us to keep her, we let her know in advance that child care is on her that night. She hems and haws and cries about it, but too frikkin' bad. SD is her kid too and I won't have my schedule disrupted to convenience her. That said, if it is your night, ss is dh's responsibility and since he promised you he'd go out, he better start looking for a sitter NOW.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

stepmom008's picture

I have two words for you: jealousy and control. It almost seems like she's testing him to see how much she can get away with. It feels like we're always the ones to let things slide, we're always the ones that end up getting hurt and the BM's ask for and get more and more. I agree with the babysitter idea. It's important for him to see his child but it's also important for the two of you to spend time together.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

ReadySetNot's picture

We get Monday thru Thursday together so yes we do get time together but we have odd jobs he is a Lobsterman and I'm a chef so we both work crazy hours. We dont get to see eachother very much during the weekdays so sometimes the only time we have is the weekends, plus we never really get to go have social interaction with people our own ages. BUT if he wants to keep bending to her LET him. I'm done just letting things slide, if we make plans a couple and he breaks off, im not making any reasons why he isnt there i'll tell our friends the truth. As for the BM thing i'm done this has been a constant struggle for three years and im done..she can win for all I care. I hate having the headache and the bs laid out and i hate battleing with FH...