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canigetabm's picture

This phrase has been added to list of things I cringe at (next to "where's my dad" & OMG you scared me). DF & I were having a private conversation yesterday with the door closed where SD proceeds to knock open the door, stare at us then say "Oh never mind" oh brother was that necessary three times? Or you just can't stand he was talking to me? Nosey brat! Vent over!

Orange County Ca's picture

She opened it without knocking and permission? Obviously Daddy needs to teach some manners.

Is she old enough to be private about her room. If this keep up start invading her space and if she complains point out her activities.

JustAgirl42's picture

You're lucky, my SD will just giggle, say "JustAgirl's naked!", and proceed to talk to her dad. This only happened a few times since they are up in the mornings before I am. But FDH leaves the bedroom and bathroom doors cracked so that she can walk in whenever he needs her...makes me uncomfortable that she can so easily walk in on him naked.

She DOES have to knock when I'm awake and the door is shut.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I know, right? Skids don't pay a dime of rent, don't pay for food, and in most of our cases will not even lift a finger to clean up after themselve, yet they treat the entire place and what is in it as theirs! However, you enter the room YOU PAY FOR, and they start screaming privacy! Oh, and don't take a fry out of SD15's container before you hand it to her out of the bag of food you brought home and eat it..."Stop eating MY fries!" Um, who do you think paid for those fries? Seems to me I'm allowing you to eat MY fries!

I have a lock on my bedroom door, and I don't leave the house without locking it...even if SD15 isn't home. I don't trust that she may pop home because she forgot something. DH used to send SD15 in our bedroom to get things for him, but I made it perfectly clear to him that this had to stop...that he needed to get up and get himself because the kids (bio or step) have no business in our room...that is our personal space. I pointed out I never sent BD23 or BS19 to get anything for me, not even to get TP when they say they are out...I will get my happy butt up and get it myself. It took a while, but he finally got it. There were a couple of times I noticed some samples of mine missing...I like to pick up beauty samples to try stuff before I buy it and I have a drawer I put them. I guess SD15 didn't figure I would miss that trail size mascara or perfume.

Calypso1977's picture

SD said "where's my dad" this past weekend too! wtf!

maybe if they were little, but these kids are double digits!

when she asked this question sunday morning i replied "he's taking a crap".

JustAgirl42's picture

HA! That doesn't matter to my SD - she'll still open the bathroom door on him to talk when he's actually taking a crap!! She's ten! Yuck!

JustAgirl42's picture

This made me laugh cause I remember you talking previously about how she scares you all the time.

Drac0's picture

It happens a few times that I would walk into a room and SS or DW jumps because I startled them.

Why I ask? Could they not hear me, or do I have mad ninja skills? Seriously, why are they so jumpy in our home?

So, whenever they jump I immediately outstretch my arms and pretend I'm a zombie and lurch after them. "Uuuunghh,..Braaaains!".

Hm, if a zombie catches SS, what would it eat?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

LMBO! I will have to remember that. My DH says I walk on cat feet and I have "omg you scared me" SS16 a few times.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My favorite is still the way SD15 walks into the TV room, and then just stands there waiting until someone takes notice of her before she says anything or sits down. I purposely ignore her, and if DH is busy on his phone or something, and doesn't acknowledge her, she huffs and stomps off back to her room.

Ready for Freedom's picture

^^^^My SD19 does this all the time!^^^^ Just stands there waiting to be acknowledged. I could understand that respectful behavior if DH and I were having a conversion but, nope, no conversation going on. I no longer acknowledge her...I just keep doing whatever I was doing.

canigetabm's picture

Glad to know I'm not the only one this irritates. My 2 BS's never come in my room. The knock stare "oh never mind" is a daily occurrence. Is this just boys vs girls or because she used to be an only child and desires 24/7 attention and it is killing her that her dad adores me and wants to be with me every second of the day. SD15 just wrote him a letter that she feels last choice next to me. Last choice? Your not a choice your his kid? What do you want him to do? hold your hand? Kiss you? Sleep with you? Last choice in what? He does everything for you....and you go everywhere with us. What more do you want. recently she asked him to help her zip her boot she couldn't do it.....guess what? He did. Yes-she is 15. Enough said.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Another of my favorites is if I get snippy with SD15 for any reason (like when she puts food down the sink, and I say something about it...only because I'm really pissed at that moment because I'm trying to wash something and have to work to clear the drain before I can do it), she will go and tell dear daddy that I scared her! Now, I say snippy, because I don't go into a whole yelling rant...I very sternly remind SD15 that she isn't to put food down the drain. Yet, BM goes on screaming and cursing rants all the time where she is actually throwing things, and that doesn't scare her? Nope, not one bit, especially since it is usually SD15 yelling and screaming right back at her!

canigetabm's picture

I actually have one my DF says in reference to pisses me off. "She's terrified of you". Terrified??? Huh? Yes all 5'5" 110lbs of me is "terrifying" and i have never even raised my voice to her and I work 40+ hours a week. When exactly do I have time to terrify her? It baffles my mind then pisses me off!

Then I will be walking down the hall to my bedroom when SD will open her door and exclaim "OMG you scared me" WTF????

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I get that, too. Yeah, nice try sweetheart! She sure doesn't act terrified of me when dear daddy isn't around! No, when he isn't around, she will give me all kinds of attitude...even raise her voice at me. Yeah, she is terrified alright...only when she is trying to get dear daddy to take her side!

canigetabm's picture

OMG Ditto.

I get that bitchy attitude when he is not around either. Then he acts as if I'm crazy...she adores you. Huh? Is she terrified or does she adore me??? I'm f'ing confused....I just try to ignore and move works best!! Haha!